Knowledge is Power

We explain what the phrase “knowledge is power” means, its origin and authors who studied the relationship between power and knowledge.

knowledge is power
A person's possibilities of action and influence increase with their knowledge.

What does 'knowledge is power' mean?

On many occasions we have heard it said that knowledge is power, without knowing that this phrase is an aphorism attributed to Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the English thinker and philosopher who originally formulated it as Scientia potentia est (in Latin). However, Bacon developed the notion of ipsa scientia potentias est (“Science itself is power”).

Thus, the phrase “Knowledge is power” It was actually used for the first time in the 1668 version of the Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). This English philosopher served as Bacon's secretary during his youth.

Whatever the origin of the phrase, of which it is possible to find numerous variants, what is important is the way in which it is traditionally interpreted: as a statement that In education and the accumulation of knowledge, the true possibility of human beings to be influential is found to change, to grow and even to have professional success.

Relationship between knowledge and power

From the interpretation that we explained above, it is possible to understand the link that is established in human society between knowledge, that is, the accumulation of knowledge, and power.

In fact, this thesis is at the center of formal education in our societies, in which we value the ability of individuals to learn: Knowing how things are done is not the same as following the orders of someone who knows. For this reason, knowledge is appreciated and guarded in more or less formal social circuits, such as academies.

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The specialists in each area are in charge of imparting knowledge to their students, verifying the knowledge to question and organize it, allowing only those initiated to enter the knowledge. For example, that is what churches did with respect to their dynastic orders and universities operate in a similar way today.

Therefore, the aphorism can also be interpreted as saying that those who have knowledge will also hold power. That's why, Knowledge should not be given away, but rather it deserves strategic management at convenience, between the different competitors. This is what happens, for example, when two companies compete to find the formula for making a new product.

Francis Bacon

The first Baron Verulam and first Viscount of Saint Albans, the Englishman Francis Bacon, was an important philosopher who, with his work laid the foundation for the emergence of the modern idea of ​​science among other similar contributions.

He is especially recognized for having formulated an empirical theory of knowledge. Besides, postulated the rules of the experimental scientific method thus discarding Aristotelian science.

Yes ok is not the true author of the aphorism “Knowledge is power,” he wrote in his Sacred Meditations (1597) that Scientia potestas iswhich would translate as “knowledge is your power.” In this case it was referring to God, since in those times religious thought had not yet completely separated itself from philosophical and scientific thought.

Thomas Hobbes

knowledge is power thomas hobbes
Thomas Hobbes noted that the goal of gaining knowledge is power.

This English philosopher, considered the founder of modern political philosophy, revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. In his thought the first forms of liberalism and materialism appeared.

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In his work De Corpore (1655) the thought that later crystallized in the aphorism “knowledge is power” already appears: the idea that the goal of knowledge is power to the same extent that the objective of (scientific) speculation is the triggering of some action or some change.

Michel Foucault

The French post-Marxist historian and philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was one of the most renowned intellectuals at the end of the 20th century. He is noted for his important theorizations about, among other things, the relationship between knowledge and power.

For Foucault, Power is exercised around the ability to define “right” and “wrong” ideas as a certain belief system is imposed as hegemonic or central, taking the place of “truth.” Consequently, this system ends up defining the way we conceive reality and normalizing our way of living.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib

The first in world history to point out the relationship in power and knowledge was Imam Ali (599-661), cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, the first man to convert to Islam and the first Imam for the Shiites.

in the book Nahj Al-Balagha From the 10th century the saying is attributed to him that “Knowledge is power and can elicit obedience. A man of knowledge can make others follow and obey him throughout his entire life, and make them venerate him after his death.”

Continue with: Epistemology


  • Scientia potentia est” in Wikipedia (English).
  • “Knowing is power” in The Guide 2000.
  • “Sir Francis Bacon, Knowledge is Power” (video) in Entelekia Summaries.
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