
We explain what a globe is, its elements, its history and the most famous examples. Also, the differences with a planisphere.

earth globe
A globe is a world map on a spherical surface.

What is a globe?

A globe is a three-dimensional representation of planet Earth made on a spherical support that allows it to rotate.

Globes may vary in size and detail. Some are simple and small, showing only the continents and oceans, while others are more detailed and large, including cities, mountains, rivers, ocean currents, and other physical and political features.

In the educational field, globes make it possible to represent the Earth's surface without the deformations of flat maps and in a visually attractive way for students. Additionally, some modern globes include interactive features, such as internal lighting or touch screens, that allow you to dynamically explore geographic data.

On the other hand, globes are also often used as decorative objects and can function as candlesticks or decorations in themselves.

Difference between globe and planisphere: Unlike planispheres, a globe can represent the surface of the Earth in a three-dimensional manner and with the same shape as the planet. On the other hand, a planisphere presents the distortions that arise from representing a spherical surface in a plane.

Frequently asked questions

What is a globe?

A globe is a sphere that represents the Earth in a three-dimensional way.

What are globes used for?

Globes are used for educational and school purposes, and also as a decorative object.

What are the parts of a globe?

When was the first globe invented?

The first globe is believed to have been created by Crates de Malos in the 2nd century BC. C., in Ancient Greece.

Parts of a globe

earth globe parts
The stand allows the globe to rotate.

A typical globe is made up of several parts:

  • Sphere. It is the main part of the globe. It is generally made of plastic or metal and the map of the world is printed on it. The sphere is usually mounted on an inclined axis to represent the position of the Earth. Inside the sphere, a lamp can be installed to illuminate the globe from within.
  • Map. It is the graphic representation on the surface of the globe, which appears on the sphere. It may include political, physical and/or thematic information.
  • Meridian. It is a metal or plastic ring that surrounds the dial, usually marked with degrees of latitude and longitude. The meridian helps support the globe, but also allows the reading of geographic coordinates.
  • Base and support. The base is the structure that supports the globe, while the support is an axis that passes through the sphere and allows it to rotate.

History of the globe

Erdapfel is the oldest surviving globe of the Western world.

From the 3rd century BC. C. it is known that the Earth is a sphere. The ancient Greek astronomers, dedicated to the study of geography and the stars, drew the first maps of the West.

Therefore, it is estimated that around that time the first spherical models of the known world were also built, which at that time was limited to the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East and part of Central Asia. So, The first globe would have been created by Crates de Malos in the 2nd century BC. C., in Ancient Greece.

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The first recorded globes are of Islamic origin, such as the one presented in Beijing by the Persian astronomer Jamal al-Din in 1267.

The oldest known Western globe dates back to 1492 and was built by Martin Behaim (1459-1537), a German navigator and merchant. This specimen is known as the Nuremberg Globe or the Erdapfel (“The Apple of the Earth”). America is not represented on this globe, since it was built at the same time that Christopher Columbus was making his first trip to this continent.

Examples of famous globes

earth globe
Eartha is the largest moving globe in the world.

Some of the most famous globes are:

  • Nuremberg or Erdapfel terrestrial globe (1492). It was created by Martin Behaim and painted by Georg Glockendon. It is the oldest terrestrial globe in the West. It represents Europe and Asia, the Asian islands and Japan (disproportionately large). The American continent is not included, as it was unknown to Europe at that time.
  • Hunt-Lennox Globe (1510). It is one of the oldest surviving globes and is housed in the rare books division of the New York Public Library. Central and South America already appear in it, but not North America, as it was still unknown to Europeans. Plus, it has detailed illustrated sea monsters in the oceans.
  • Gottorf's Globe (1654-1664). It was manufactured in the German city of Gottorf. It measures about 3 meters in diameter and is currently in the Kunstkamera museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It has a hydraulic system that allows it to reproduce the earth's movements, and also a map of the constellations with astrological and mythological signs inside.
  • Columbus Globe for State and Industry Leaders (1930). Also known as the “Hitler Globe” or the “Führer Globe”, it was designed in Germany especially for the Nazi party and remained in Hitler's office for almost the entire duration of World War II. It was one of the symbols of power of the Third Reich.
  • Peace Globe (1988). It was the Guinness record holder for the world's largest globe until 1999. It was built over six years by Orfeo Bartolucci as a peace offering to the entire world. The balloon measures 10 meters in diameter, weighs 17,000 kilos and is located outdoors in Apecchio, Italy.
  • Eartha (1998). It is the largest globe in the world. It is located within the facilities of the DeLorme mapping company, in Maine, United States. It weighs around 2,500 kilos and has a diameter of 12.5 meters. It allows you to simulate the Earth's rotation every 18 minutes.
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  • New York Public Library. (sf). Hunt-Lenox Globe.
  • Heaven Earth Plaza. (2022). History of the first spherical representation of the Earth.