
We explain what depression is, the types that exist and its main causes. Also, its symptoms and what chronic depression is.

Depression is a set of emotional and psychological conditions.

What is depression?

Depression is a temporary or permanent psychological illness, characterized by deep feelings of despondency, unhappiness, and guilt as well as inability to enjoy and, often, episodes of anxiety. It can occur in response to an external stimulus and be temporary, but leave a deep mark on the individual; or it can become a disorder and become chronic, in which case it requires psychiatric treatment.

In reality, depression is a set of emotional and psychological conditions, which can have diverse biological (hormonal, neurochemical, genetic), social (experiential, love) and/or psychological (emotional, traumatic) causes. Any age is susceptible to suffering from it although it is usually more common in women than in men and usually manifests in young adults.

The main types of depression are the following:

  • Major depressive disorder. It appears only once, without being associated with traumatic events or consumption of psychotropic substances, and has a particular impact on the patient's life. It is usually an intense emotional event.
  • Dysthymic disorder. Also known as dysthymia, it is believed to be of genetic-hereditary origin and consists of more spaced, mild but prolonged episodes of depression.
  • Cyclothymic disorder. Also called cyclothymia, it is considered a mild form of bipolar disorder, as it consists of moderate episodes of depression that alternate with periods of hypomania (high mood and energy).
  • Seasonal affective disorder This is a type of moderate depression that is usually associated with certain periods of the year, such as certain weather seasons.
  • Bipolar depression. Part of bipolar disorder or bipolarity, it is a mental illness that causes the patient to oscillate between intense periods of mania (euphoria, hypersexuality, irritability) and other periods of depression (sadness, apathy, disinterest) with little or no transition time between one. and another.
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The treatment of this disease may vary depending on the case but often involves treatment with antidepressants and/or anxiolytics, as well as talk therapy or psychotherapy. In some cases this may mean prolonged and constant work.

See also: Alcoholism

Causes of depression

Sleep disorders can lead to times of depression.

Depression has a multifactorial origin. Some factors associated with its appearance are:

  • Particularly traumatic events The loss of a loved one or other personal catastrophes can induce a depressive state that is difficult to escape.
  • Genetic tendency It has been proven that a certain tendency towards depression can be hereditary, as are many psychiatric pathologies with which it is associated.
  • Poor diet. An unhealthy eating pattern, high in carbohydrates and sugars but low in essential amino acids and protein, can lead to depression and abnormal neuronal responses.
  • sedentary life It is proven that exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones that lift the spirit, so an overly sedentary life can make us more prone to depression.
  • Chronic substance intake Alcohol, tobacco or psychotropic drugs can affect brain functioning in the long or medium term and induce symptoms of depression.
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders Diseases of the sugar regulation system or the secretion of regulatory substances in the body may be associated with the appearance of depression.
  • Sleep disorders Prolonged lack of sleep directly affects brain functioning and can lead to periods of depression or anxiety.
  • Lack of vitamin D. There are studies that link the absence of this vitamin in the body with the appearance of depressive symptoms.

Symptoms of depression

Common symptoms of depression include the following:

  • Apathy, lack of energy and desire to live.
  • Alterations in sleep routine.
  • Panic attacks or general feeling of distress.
  • Absence of sexual desire and/or appetite.
  • Generalized feeling of sadness and meaninglessness in life.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Irritability.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Decreased immune system.
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Endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is called depressive symptoms whose root is found in internal matters of the body whether hormonal, neuronal, etc. They are thus distinguished from exogenous depressions, that is, those caused by factors or events external to the body, such as traumatic events, consumption of harmful substances or other factors foreign to the body's biology.

chronic depression

Chronic depression occurs when the symptoms are constant in the patient's life.

It is known as chronic depression one that does not subside in its symptoms in the medium or long term in the patient's life thus becoming a more or less constant and prolonged state in their life, or recurrent, giving way from time to time and returning after a while.

Postpartum depression

Known as PPD or Postnatal Depression, postpartum depression is a very unique syndrome exclusive to women who have given birth. It can occur from the moment of birth until a year later but it is more common in the next three months after giving birth.

It is distinguished from the so-called Baby bluesa form of emotional disorder resulting from the violent hormonal changes that the end of pregnancy causes in the female body, since it does not usually subside quickly and spontaneously.