
We explain what collaboration is, why it is important for human beings and what types exist. Also, how to encourage collaboration.

A team works collaboratively to navigate a sailboat.
The greater the margin of collaboration of a group, the greater the benefits achieved.

What is collaboration?

The collaboration It is the joint, coordinated and cooperative action of two or more people or entities, whose efforts join together to achieve a goal in common. Those who act in this joint way are known as collaboratorsand the work they do as collaboration.

The word “collaboration” derives from the verb to collaborate, whose origins are Latin voices with (“next to”) and I will labor (“work”), to form the verb I will collaborate (“working with someone on the same project”). Therefore, the collaborators They are literally the ones they work togetherthat is, those who work together on the same issue.

Collaboration, however, can occur on very different terms. For example, in the editorial and journalistic field, the authors of the pieces that make up the volume (articles, stories, poems) are usually called “collaborators,” whether or not they sign their corresponding collaborations. Similarly, in certain works of art, especially in cinematography, those who make a contribution to the production of the work are called collaborators: assistant directors, camera operators, among others.

Besides, In some contexts, a “collaboration” is understood to be work that does not entail payment or economic remuneration, that is, it is carried out pro bonofor the pure purpose of helping or collaborating.

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Types of collaboration

There are different contexts in which we can talk about collaboration, such as:

  • Group collaboration refers to the joint work carried out by a group of people greater than two.
  • Synchronous collaboration refers to joint tasks that are carried out at the same time, whether in person or virtually.
  • Asynchronous collaboration refers to joint tasks that are not carried out at the same time, but at different and successive moments.
  • Citizen collaboration refers to the participation of a country's citizens in matters of public interest, such as the administration of state resources or popular organization, for example.
  • Community collaboration refers to the tasks carried out jointly by a group of individuals belonging to the same community (the neighbors of a building or a neighborhood, for example).
  • Virtual collaboration generally refers to the work carried out between colleagues through different information and communication technologies, such as the Internet or videoconferencing.
  • Collaborative learning refers to the set of pedagogical strategies that comprise the educational event in community terms, that is, that the student does not play an isolated and passive role, but rather learns together with the rest through exchange, collaboration and participation.

Importance of collaboration

Collaboration is a key concept in human history. Learning to collaborate was a crucial trait of the species for its survival, since Individual human beings are weak and fragile, but together they are capable of carrying out great actions in an organized, precise and intelligent way.

In fact, the greater the margin of collaboration of a group, the greater the benefits achieved and the better the conditions it will have, given that a high degree of synergy and distribution of effort is achieved, that is, the work is done more simple for everyone.

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How to encourage collaboration?

Promoting a collaborative and cooperative spirit, whether at school, work or the community, can be achieved through different strategies, among which we can list:

  • Establish dialogue dynamics. Collaboration is a product of the human capacity for language, and that is why dialogue is essential for understanding and synergy. A group that does not communicate or communicates poorly will find it much more difficult to collaborate than one that communicates effectively.
  • Define a leadership structure. Collaboration is not at odds with hierarchy and leadership, but often benefits from clear leadership and a stable structure. If the group is continually fighting over who is in charge, it will be difficult for them to organize themselves to face their tasks.
  • Address individual needs. Collaboration cannot be based on the sacrifice of individual needs, since the commitment of the members of a group to the needs of the community will largely depend on the group being interested in its own. That is, collaboration must serve both to help an individual separately and for him to help the rest of the group.
  • Nurture the spirit of belonging. Collaboration is normally based on a high level of commitment on the part of individuals, for which it is essential to have the appropriate spirit or atmosphere, that is, an environment in which all those involved show a similar level of commitment and concern. , of benefit and effort, in which everyone makes their contribution and is considered an important part of a team.

Continue with: Teamwork


  • “Collaboration” on Wikipedia.
  • “Collaboration” in the Language Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • “Radication of Collaborate” in the Online Spanish Etymological Dictionary.
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