
We explain what a census is, what it is for and what types exist. In addition, we tell you how a population census is carried out today.

A census is a count of how many people live in a given environment.

What is a census?

a census is a count of the individuals that make up a statistical population that is, a count of how many people live in a given environment, which can be local, regional or national. This count is carried out to obtain relevant statistical information and always covers a specific period that varies according to each case, for example, the census in Mexico is carried out every ten years.

The word “census” comes from Latin census (“count” or “estimate”), which was the term given in Ancient Rome to a study of the number of Roman citizens (that is, free Roman males), their places of residence, assets and income, in order to determine the taxes they had to pay, the military obligations they had to cover, among other obligations. The magistrate in charge of carrying out this task every five years was known as censor.

Currently, a census It is a statistical technique that allows us to know the total number of elements that make up an interest group: These can be individuals in a country, animals in a herd, or other types of elements. The result obtained in this way is also called a census, that is, the information collected through the act of census. For example, we often speak of an “electoral census” or “voter registry” to refer to the list of registered voters in a country at a given time.

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Normally, to carry out a census, different sampling tools are applied, with which to obtain the desired statistical information. For example, in national population censuses, the government usually forms a corps of enumerators who visit house to house asking citizens for answers.

See also: Demographics

What is a census for?

Censuses are an instrument to gather pertinent information about the status of individuals in the group studied. For example, if it is a population census, the idea is normally to know how many individuals a country has, under what conditions they live, where they come from, among other data of interest that will later be used to design the necessary public policies.

Thus, it is possible determine which are the priority problems and in what percentage they afflict the population and compare with previous measurements. It is, therefore, a feedback tool for the management of the country.

The same principle applies to the census of other populations, such as a herd of cattle, a group of workers in a company, etc.

Census types

There are two types of population census, depending on the way they are done:

  • De facto census or factual. It is one in which a note is taken of the people who are in the census dwelling, regardless of whether they live there or not, and a record is left of the date and time in which they were registered.
  • Right census or de jure. It is one in which people are noted according to their declared place of residence, whether they are living there at the time of the census, or whether they are somewhere else.
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How is a population census carried out?

census how it is carried out
In the 2020 US census, individuals could answer the questionnaire from the website.

To carry out a population census, the interested government must first of all design a survey that reflects the interests and information that needs to be collected. This tool must be agile enough to be applied quickly, and must leave as little room as possible for ambiguity and doubt. The idea is that the survey can be done quickly and easily, and that yields concrete results in a quantifiable format.

Subsequently, it must form a body of interviewers who know the census tool and know how to apply it without problems. The selected locality will be distributed to this body of censors in an equitable and proportional manner, so as to cover the entire population through simple but exhaustive circuits.

Finally, announced to the population on census day ideally a weekend or holiday so that most are at home. In many cases, that day is given off and people are invited to contribute to the census with valid, truthful and quick information. The census, then. It is carried out throughout the day, and in the following days the information is processed and the results are presented.

However, with the increasing development of the internet, some countries began to carry out censuses digitally. In most cases, citizens answer the survey or a series of questions on the official census website. For example, in the 2020 United States Census, individuals could answer the questionnaire on the website, by phone, or submit their responses by mail.

Continue with: Population growth


  • “Census (statistics)” on Wikipedia.
  • “Electoral census” in Wikipedia.
  • “Census Etymology” in the Online Spanish Etymological Dictionary.
  • “All about censuses” at the Provincial Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Misiones (Argentina).
  • “What is a census and what is it for?” in Todo Noticias (Argentina).
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