
We explain what a blog is, what it is for and what types exist. In addition, we tell you how it differs from a web page.

Blogs had their peak of popularity around the year 2000.

What is a blog?

A blog is, in internet jargon, a digital log, that is, a website that functions as a personal or business diary updated by its authors with diverse content and which often has comments or participation from readers. Its name comes from the contraction of Web Log (“online log” or “web log”) in a single word: Weblog and later abbreviated into a blog.

The first blogs appeared online in the mid-1990s, as an online diary format open to the public, and were at their peak around the year 2000. Such was their popularity that in 2006, International Blog Day was created. Blog, celebrated every August 31. Some blog authors (commonly called bloggers) have even achieved fame through the circulation of their writing in the online community of readers (the blogosphere).

There is no single model for blogs, and today their presence has diversified enormously, giving rise to different models of personal diaries, business pages and other similar models. In addition, there are many free and paid platforms to create and maintain a blog, which put a variety of digital tools and possibilities in the hands of their creators, from multimedia support and hyperlinks, to gadgets or applications within the blog itself.

See also: Virtual communication

What is a blog for?

In principle, blogs operate as a personal log, that is, as a space in which to write and share thoughts, life routines or even works of fiction with internet users.

Many blogs are used as magazines, accepting contributions from different authors, while others are basically information and sales portals. The purpose of a blog can be very diverse as well as the interests of its creator, but in general it is an online publication managed by the author himself.

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Difference between a blog and a website

Blogs are web pages, but not all web pages are blogs. The latter operate as adaptable blogs, while web pages can have any purpose: e-commerce, chat rooms, service portals, video game portals, among many others.

On the other hand, Many web pages offer static content, which varies little, and have a blog section where the entries are constantly updated, that is, your own blog through which you can address your audience.

Types of blog

types of blog
Social networks can function as micro-blogs that allow you to write minimal entries.

Blogs can be classified in many ways, but the most useful is the one that distinguishes between their different purposes. Thus, we can talk about:

  • personal blogs. They are those carried by a specific author and that serve to express their points of view. They are usually updated as frequently as the author considers and can be anonymous or the author can sign with his or her real name. For example, the blog of Enrique Dans, a Spanish specialist in cybersecurity and technology issues, in which he freely comments on his interests and allows interaction with his readers.
  • Professional blogs. They are those that are dedicated to the online promotion of an individual's professional services, or that serve to keep track of their professional achievements and establish contact with their followers and/or clients. For example, in “La gastroredactora”, the freelance editor Laura Vivas not only offers her services and shows her resume, but also presents a sample of work done to promote herself.
  • Corporate blogs. They are those that do not belong to an individual, but to a company or organization, and that serve to reach and dialogue with their clients, as well as have an online presence that responds to search engines. For example, in “Blog”, the video game company PlayStation centralizes its brand information, establishes links with its customers and announces news to its audience.
  • Micro-blogs. They are those that allow their authors to write minimal entries that are shared in large communities, such as social networks. They tend to be more immediate and focused on social interaction, rather than prolonged reading. For example, the social network defines itself as a microblogging platform, since user entries do not exceed 280 characters.
  • educational blogs. They are those whose purpose is to share quality information with their users and provide help in the training and education of the 2.0 public, especially young people and children. They can also be blogs from organizations dedicated to combating misinformation or covering urgent issues. For example, the Educational Campus of the Ministry of Education of Argentina provides information on educational issues to the general public and pedagogical resources to teachers.
  • fiction blogs. They are those in which a story, a novel or some type of narrative fiction exercise is developed, often with hyperlinks and illustrations. It can be literature of various types, fanfiction or any other form of story. For example, Javier Eugercio's Literary Fiction blog shares stories and micro-stories by different authors with its audience.
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Benefits of having a blog

The blogs are useful tools to exercise personal expression and launch creativity without the rigors and demands of professional writing or the publishing world. It is an option open to everyone, with different aesthetic, dynamic and functional possibilities, and in many cases free. This allows anyone, with determination and tenacity, to become a blogger and cultivate a readership, making themselves known online.

On the other hand, blogs are commercially useful tools since they attract and retain Internet users who, if everything goes well, can later become customers. Even large brands and companies with an established audience can benefit from blogs to establish their own community and centralize the information they want to convey to their followers.

Topic ideas to start a blog

The following are some ideas for creating a blog:

  • A blog about cinema and literature in which the books, films and series that the author consumes are reviewed and valued.
  • A blog about trips in which short descriptions of the sites visited are shared, illustrated with photographs and videos.
  • A blog about science in which the main news from the contemporary scientific and medical world is explained in simple terms.
  • A blog about dating and romance in which the author tells of his best and worst experiences in trying to find his better half.
  • A blog about caring for pets and basic veterinary advice.
  • A blog about restaurants of the author's city, which explains what they offer, shows their product menu and leaves the address and telephone number for reservations.
  • A blog about classical composers music academic, in which small sound fragments of the great musical pieces of history are included and information is provided about their importance and the author's career.
  • A blog about history universal, in which the main battles of the great wars in history are discussed in detail, with maps, plans and museum photos.
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Free platforms to open a blog

platform to open a blog
Thanks to free platforms, blogs are an option open to everyone.

Some of the best-known free platforms to open a blog today are:

  • WordPress
  • Blogger
  • WIX
  • SquareSpace
  • Ionos
  • Jimdo
  • Site123

Continue with: Web 2.0


  • “Blog” on Wikipedia.
  • “What is a blog?” in the Government of the Canary Islands (Spain).
  • “Blog, blogger and blogging, accepted terms in Spanish” in Fundéu.
  • “Blog (Internet)” in The Encyclopaedia Britannica