Computer Network

We explain what a computer network is, the elements that make it up and how it is classified. Also, advantages and disadvantages.

computer network
A computer network allows information to be shared over small or long distances.

What is a computer network?

A computer network, data communications network, or computer network is the interconnection of a different number of computer systems through a series of telecommunications devices and a physical medium (wired or wireless).

Its function is to share information in data packets. They are transmitted by electrical impulses, electromagnetic waves or other means, using special coding. To do this, the system translates the processes of the different computers into the same language, through a series of communication standards.

Computer networks are not different, in their exchange logic, from other communication processes: they have a sender, a receiver and a message, a medium through which to transmit the message and a series of codes or protocols to guarantee its correct understanding. Only, in this case, those who send and receive messages are computers.

By having a number of computers on a network, we can create internal communication between them, which It is also used to share Internet access points or manage peripherals (like a printer). In addition, it allows the rapid sending of data and files without the need to use secondary storage devices (such as disks or pen-drives).

Networks are present today in almost all everyday areas, especially those linked to bureaucracy or resource administration. In fact, the Internet connection that we access from our computer, cell phone or other devices is nothing more than an immense computer network.

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See also: Computer networks

Types of computer networks

Commonly, computer networks are classified, first, according to their geographic scope and size:

  • LAN networks Its name comes from Local Area Network (in English: “Local Area Network”), as they are networks of smaller size and extension, such as those that may exist between computers in the same phone shop or cyber cafe.
  • MAN networks Its name comes from Metropolitan Area Network (in English: “Metropolitan Area Network”) and designates networks of intermediate size, such as those used in large libraries or large companies, connecting different areas that are geographically distant from each other.
  • WAN networks Named after the acronym of Wide Area Network (in English: “Wide Area Network”), these are networks of large size and extensive reach, such as the global network of networks, the Internet.

There are other possible classifications of computer networks, according to their specific topology, their functional relationship or data directionality.

Basic elements of a computer network

Commonly a computer network contains the following elements:

  • Server The computers on a network do not have the same hierarchy, nor do they perform the same functions. For example, servers are responsible for processing the network's data flow, serving all other connected computers (i.e., “serving” them) and centralizing control of the network itself.
  • Clients or workstations These are the computers that do not serve the others, but are part of the network and provide access to it, requesting the resources managed by the server.
  • Transmission media It refers to the wiring, electromagnetic waves, or the physical medium that allows the transmission of network information, whatever it may be.
  • Hardware elements All the technological pieces that enable the physical establishment of a network, that is, that allow it. We are talking about network cards, modems and routers, or repeater antennas that extend the connection wirelessly.
  • Software elements Similarly, programs are required to manage and operate the communications hardware of each workstation, which includes the Network Operating System (NOS). Network Operating System), which in addition to maintaining the operation of the network, provides antivirus and firewall services; as well as the communication protocols (TCP/IP) that allow machines to share the language.
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Advantages of a computer network

computer network advantages
We use computer networks for social interactions, shopping, and much more.

A computer network is a very useful and valuable tool, for centralize and disperse information stored from a type of organization (companies, institutions, etc.). It is so important in the contemporary world that we use them constantly without even realizing it.

Thanks to computer networks we can carry out all types of operations quickly and over enormous distances. Some of them are:

  • Social interactions, teleconferences, video calls.
  • Electronic purchase operations and capital movements.
  • Data transmission, email and resource sharing in real time.
  • Transmission stream of stored audiovisual content.
  • Satellite exploration and other military surveillance and reconnaissance technologies.

Disadvantages of a computer network

The weak side of a computer network has to do with the cyber attacks, which violate confidentiality of information and can give rise to dangerous activities.

We are talking about both malicious software (viruses, adware, etc.) or cyberterrorists (hackers), whose attacks can cause loss of information (and therefore capital), violations of privacy or damage to equipment and software. The world of networks is diverse and complex.

Examples of computer networks

Below we show some specific examples of computer networks:

  • A home network Like WiFi networks that anyone can install in their own home, in order to serve a couple of computers and/or cell phones. Its scope will barely exceed the department's margins.
  • The serial network of a call shop The so-called cybercafés or call centers gained a lot of popularity with the penetration of the Internet, before the arrival of Smartphones. They contain a series of computers that share their Internet connection, and that are available for public use, framed in an internal network, at the head of which was the computer of the person in charge of the premises.
  • A university campus network Called CAN (Campus Area Network), they are actually MAN networks adapted to the various buildings and interests of the university community.
  • Internet The largest WAN available today: communicating various technological devices over enormous distances, from one side of the world to the other. This gigantic network involves computers everywhere, operating servers and workstations in the millions.
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  • “Computer network” on Wikipedia.
  • “Computer networks” at Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina).
  • “Computer Network Theory” at the Organization of American States (OAS).
  • “Computer networks” at the Distance University of Madrid.
  • “Computer Network” in The Encyclopaedia Britannica.