Cultural Manifestations

We explain what cultural manifestations are and what their characteristics are. Also, examples from different places around the world.

The outfit and mask of a Barranquilla carnival participant combines bright white and red.
Cultural manifestations can be customs, behaviors, rituals, values ​​and artistic forms.

What is a cultural manifestation?

Cultural manifestations, cultural practices or cultural expressions are the different ways in which people and communities put their culture into practice. These are customs, behaviors, rituals, values ​​and even artistic forms, which are part of the cultural identity of a people or a nation.

The concept of “cultural manifestation” is extremely broad. It is an “umbrella term” within which very different elements can be found, belonging to a specific culture and society, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Therefore, Any belief, practice or custom can be considered a cultural manifestation.

This is extremely important in the context of cultural diversity, since it escapes considerations according to which Western and European traditions would properly integrate the culture, while the practices of other peoples and latitudes must be considered as folklore.

Characteristics of cultural manifestations

Chifa food combines traditional Asian techniques with typical Peruvian foods and flavors.
Cultural manifestations can be tangible, such as typical foods.

In general terms, cultural manifestations are characterized by the following:

  • are part of the cultural identity of peoples and communities, and constitute its most evident expression.
  • are passed down from generation to generation and connect the past and present of the people. However, over time they undergo certain modifications.
  • can be tangible (such as works of art, crafts, typical foods) or intangible (such as language, legends, games, typical dances, beliefs).
  • are practiced individually, family and/or collectively.

Examples of cultural manifestations

A crowd gathers in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.
The Vatican mass constitutes one of the most important local religious expressions.

The following are some examples of cultural manifestations of different origins:

  • The traditional carnival of Barranquilla, Colombia. Although the carnival is a celebration common to almost the entire Western world, the Barranquilla carnivals are famous for their particular colors and rhythms, which demonstrate the intense cultural mix of the region, where the Afro, the European and the indigenous.
  • Tango dancing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a popular dance from the River Plate region, the result of the contribution of Italian immigration and associated with the culture of the suburb. Its provocative movements to the rhythm of the bandoneon make this dance a symbol of the region, which is practiced in shows and nightclubs.
  • The dancing devils of Yare, Venezuela. Celebrated not only in Yare but in different Venezuelan towns in their own particular way, this religious celebration occurs on the day of Corpus Christi and is carried out by the Societies of the Blessed Sacrament. Its practitioners wear large and colorful devil masks, as well as clothes with bells, braids and white crosses sewn to the fabric, while they dance through the town to the rhythm of the ringing of the box, a typical drum.
  • The chifa gastronomy of Peru. Fruit of the cultural exchange between Cantonese Chinese immigrants and citizens originally from Peru, “chifa” cuisine (derived from Chinese chifan 饎飯, “eat”) emerged in the 19th century and is today highly appreciated internationally. Its particular evolution allowed it to combine traditional Asian techniques with typical Peruvian foods and flavors.
  • The day of the dead in Mexico. It consists of a night of celebrating and honoring deceased family members, and is perhaps the most popular tradition in Mexican culture. It takes place between November 1 and 2. It combines local Catholic content with pre-Columbian heritage, through a peculiar gastronomy (with bread of the dead, sweet skulls and other preparations), colorful altars in the houses, offerings of fruit, liquor and incense, and photographs of the deceased. who are honored.
  • The Vatican mass. Every week, a mass is held in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. This rite is celebrated in Italian and Latin, and constitutes one of the most important local religious expressions, and a fundamental tourist attraction. Considered the cradle of the West and a cultural superpower, Italy houses architectural and ritual remnants of enormous importance for Christianity.

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  • “Traditional cultural expressions” at the World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • “Sociability, cultural manifestations and conflict” by Viviana Marcela Ruiz Hurtado. Territorial Urban Log. V. 31, No. 1, 2021.
  • “Survey of manifestations of the intangible cultural heritage of Argentina” in the Ministry of Culture of Argentina.