
We explain what a domain is and its relationships with the biological kingdoms. Also, some of its main features.

Domains in biology
All known life fits into one of the three known domains.

What is a domain?

In biology, domain, sometimes also called empire or superkingdom, is understood as the broadest taxonomic category in which known living beings are classified. That is, it is the broadest category in which the different kingdoms of life can be organized, according to the most recent classification models and most widely accepted in the specialized scientific community.

The current system on the subject is the one proposed by the American microbiologist Carl Richard Woese in 1990, and It is known as the three domain system since it organizes the different kingdoms of life (which are generally animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, bacteria and archaea) into three large groups or domains, based on their fundamental cellular characteristics: bacteria domain, archaea domain and eukarya domain.

The first two domains, bacteria and archaea, encompass the world of prokaryotic organisms that is, those that lack a cell nucleus and are much simpler and smaller than those belonging to the remaining domain, the eukaryotes. The latter have larger, more complex cells equipped with a cell nucleus where their DNA is found, and therefore they can be unicellular or multicellular organisms.

So, all known life fits into one of these domains perhaps with the exception of viruses, whose parasitic and acellular existence remains so mysterious that it has not yet been possible to determine whether they are truly living beings.

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See also: Amoeba

dominion and kingdom

Bacteria - biological domains
In the bacterial kingdom there are prokaryotic organisms.

Domains are the broadest category of life, into which the different known kingdoms are organized. These, for their part, are the immediately lower categories (although in some systems superkingdoms are also understood as an intermediate category between domain and kingdom, or even as an alternative: two superkingdoms, eukaryota and prokaryota, instead of three domains), among which living beings are distributed based on their evolutionary, metabolic, cellular and behavioral similarities.

There are various life classification systems that propose 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 7 different kingdoms. The most common includes the following:

  • Bacterial kingdom Where are the simplest and most primitive prokaryotic organisms of all, the most predominant on the planet, dedicated to all types of nutritional functions: photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, parasitism, predation, etc.
  • Kingdom archaea Initially considered part of the bacterial kingdom (and called archaebacteria), it was later proven that they have substantial evolutionary differences that allow them to be a kingdom (and a domain) apart from bacteria, with whom they share their prokaryotic existence, but with different behaviors (extreme habitats, chemisynthetic nutrition) and cellular characteristics that resemble eukaryotes.
  • proctist kingdom Also called protista and formerly moneras, it is the kingdom where all eukaryotic unicellular organisms are contemplated, a kind of stepping stone between prokaryotic life and the multicellular kingdoms. This is where protozoa, unicellular algae and other eukaryotic microorganisms with diverse eating habits come in.
  • Kingdom plantae The vegetal kingdom, that is, that of plants, those immobile multicellular eukaryotic organisms, which are nourished by photosynthesis: the biochemical composition of sugars from water, carbon dioxide and sunlight, thanks to a pigment specialized they possess, called chlorophyll. Its cells house it in their plastids, and they also have a rigid cellulose cell wall.
  • fungal kingdom The kingdom of fungi, intermediate between plant and animal, since they are not autotrophs like plants, but they are immobile. They feed on the decomposition of organic matter, either saprophytically or parasitically, and reproduce through spores. Its eukaryotic cells have a cell wall, but made of chitin.
  • Animal Kingdom The animal kingdom, with its enormous variety of genera and species of multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms, endowed with mobility, sexual reproduction and a metabolism based on respiration, that is, the oxidation of glucose obtained from matter. organic matter consumed from other living beings. Its cells lack a cell wall.
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Bacterial domain

The bacteria domain coincides with the kingdom of the same name, within which exclusively prokaryotic organisms are found with a simple and primitive cellular structure, which are considered the most abundant forms of life on the planet, and surely the first to emerge in the evolutionary soup of the primitive Earth.

They can be found in practically all habitats, even within (in a symbiotic or parasitic relationship) some multicellular organisms, and dedicated to various types of metabolic activity: photosynthesis, such as cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), the decomposition of matter organic, etc.

Archaea domain

Archaea domain
In the archaea domain are prokaryotes with similarities to eukaryotic life.

Along with the bacteria domain, the archaea or archaea domain covers the entire prokaryotic world. It also coincides with the kingdom of the same name, in which archaebacteria or archaea are included prokaryotic organisms that exhibit certain similarities with eukaryotic life, despite existing in very specific and generally hostile habitats (leading an Extremophilous life) such as boiling underground waters, although they have also been found among the microorganisms that make up marine plankton.

Eukarya domain

The eukarya or eukaryotic domain is the broadest of the three, in the sense that it brings together a diverse set of kingdoms: animals, plants, fungi and all protists that is, all forms of eukaryotic life, possessing cells with a specific cell nucleus (where DNA is housed) and other complex cellular organelles.

The evolutionary step from prokaryotes to eukaryotes is still difficult to understand, but it is also key in the formation of more complex organisms, such as multicellular organisms, in which cells sacrifice their independence to form a more complex and interconnected organized whole. Creatures in this domain are called eukaryotes.

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  • “Domain (biology)” on Wikipedia.
  • “Domain (biology)” in Global Ecosystem.
  • “Biological classification: the domains” in La Guía 2000.
  • “Classification of living beings: the 3 domains” (video) in Academia Vásquez.
  • “The Three Domains of Life” (video) at