
We explain what ecology is and what the branches of study of this science are. Also, what is environmental protection.

Ecology studies the interaction of living beings with the environment in which they are found.

What is ecology?

Ecology is the branch of biology that is dedicated to study of living beings and their relationship with the environment in which they live. In addition, ecology studies the abundance and distribution of living beings that exist in a certain area or region.

Biotic factors are taken into account as study factors within this discipline which are all living organisms; and the abiotic factors like the climate and soils.

This type of interaction can be studied according to the scales or levels of organization of the individuals:

  • Individual study Study of each organism with the environment that surrounds it.
  • Study of populations Study of the interrelation of living beings belonging to the same species.
  • Study of communities Study of the relationship that exists between different populations that inhabit the same area.
  • Ecosystem study Study of communities and their interaction with the environment that surrounds them.
  • Study of the biosphere Study of all living beings in general.

History of ecology

Ecology evolved from the studies of some Ancient Greek thinkers, such as Aristotle and Theophrastus (considered by some to be the father of botany). With the fall of the Greco-Latin civilization, the field of natural sciences suffered a certain stagnation. Studies in this area once again gained relevance only in the 18th and 19th centuries when the importance of studying living beings and the interactions that exist between them and the environment they inhabit was discovered. In 1789, Gilbert White wrote The natural history of Selbornea book for which the naturalist is considered the first ecologist in England.

Although the history of this science begins in Ancient Greece, formally The term “ecology” was created in 1869 by the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel who defined it as “that science that studies the relationships of living beings and their environment.” The term ecology comes from the Greek words oikos (“home”) and logos (“study”).

Some of the scientists and naturalists who, with their contributions, paved the way for the development of this branch of biology were:

  • Carles Linnaeus (also called Carl von Linné). Swedish scientist known as the father of taxonomy, a discipline through which all known living beings could be classified.
  • Alexander Freiherr von Humboldt. German naturalist who, in his explorations of the American continent, collected and related information about the climate, natural resources, flora and fauna.
  • Karl Möbius. German zoologist who carried out pioneering research in marine biology, and described the interactions between organisms in aquatic environments.
  • Charles Darwin. English naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory formed the basis of modern ecology since it proposes the mechanisms that explain the ability of living beings to adapt to different environments.
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What are the branches of ecology?

Microbial ecology
Microbial ecology is what focuses on the study of microorganisms.

Ecology presents a large number of branches. Among the most important are:

  • Microbial ecology It focuses on the study of microorganisms in their habitat. This branch has allowed the discovery of some fundamental facts, such as, for example, that the activity of microorganisms in the terrestrial ecosystem is what causes the soil to be fertile.
  • Landscape ecology. It involves the interrelation of two great sciences: geography and biology. The study is based on the observation of natural landscapes and the transformations that human action produces in them.
  • Recreation ecology Analyzes the relationship between man and the environment, always taking the human being in a recreation context. In this way, specific sites intended for recreation such as trails, corridors, games and dispersal areas are put as an object of study.
  • Ecology of populations It studies the set of living beings of the same species that inhabit the same space at the same time. Demography also comes into play here, a science that is responsible for the study of populations of the same species, which analyzes and takes into account factors such as the number of members, sex and age distribution, birth and mortality rates, among other indicators. of population.
  • Evolutionary ecology It is based on the study of the same population over time, so it is essential to evaluate the different transformations and changes that occur in it as a result of different influencing factors.
  • Social ecology. It involves questions of the order of philosophy since it studies the behavior of living beings as part of a group in a certain area.
  • Human ecology. It studies the human being and the relationship with his natural and social environment.
  • Cultural ecology. Studies the relationships between a society and its environment.
  • Mathematical ecology. Study organisms and their relationship with their environment by applying theorems and mathematical formulas.
  • Urban ecology It studies the interactions between the inhabitants of a city and the environment that surrounds it.
  • Dendroecology. It studies tree growth rings and uses the information stored in them to evaluate the impact of different environmental conditions on tree growth.
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See also: Environmental movement

Importance of ecology

The greatest achievement of the study of ecology is that it allows know the fundamental connections that occur between organisms and abiotic factors that make up the environment.

Over time, it was discovered that preserving these connections is essential to maintaining balance in ecosystems. Know these relationships allows you to take care of the environment consciously manage natural resources and take measures to anticipate environmental impact.

Ecology is a very complete and interdisciplinary branch of biology since it uses tools from many sciences to reveal the characteristics of the environment.

In recent decades, ecology has gained relevance due to the notable consequences of the impact of human activities on the environment.

Auxiliary sciences of ecology

Over the years, ecology has been using techniques, tools and data from other sciences to develop its study. Among the most significant are:

  • Geography Ecology uses geography to understand the different reliefs and the way in which living beings are distributed in ecosystems.
  • Mathematics Ecology uses mathematical techniques and theorems that help in the demographic study of populations.
  • Physics and chemistry Ecology studies the transfer of energy between the different components (biotic and abiotic) of ecosystems. Furthermore, chemistry provides notions about the composition of the matter that constitutes living beings and abiotic factors.
  • Geology Ecology uses the study of soils and the internal structure of the Earth and its processes to understand biomes.
  • Climatology and meteorology Ecology analyzes the variations in the climates of each ecosystem and the impact on its biodiversity.

Environmental protection

Environmentalists promote the use of recyclable materials.

The environment is made up of biotic factors (living things) and abiotic factors (non-living components). Since greater awareness was generated about the effects produced by abrupt changes in the environment as a result of pollution, Ecology is on the political agenda of all States.

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To maintain the balance of our planet, it is essential that positive changes occur in the way in which human beings relate to the ecosystem that surrounds them.

This is the axis of many international groups and environmental associations that help defend the environment through direct actions. While these organizations make complaints on a global level, some states international treaties are signed in favor of more efficient industrial production and that it does not entail dangers to natural resources or the lives of communities.

Caring for the environment must come from public policies with laws and regulations, but also from each individual, companies and organizations. There are some actions that can be taken to reduce the environmental impact from homes For example:

  • Separate garbage.
  • Do not throw waste on public roads or in nature.
  • Turn off the lights and unplug electronic devices that are not being used.
  • Limit the use of running water in the shower and when brushing your teeth.
  • Use public transportation or bicycles instead of cars.
  • Plant a tree on the balcony or garden.
  • Limit consumption of products wrapped in plastic.
  • Use cloth bags when shopping.

Ecology and environmentalism

Ecology is studied by ecologists, who are scientists who study processes and relationships in the environment. That's why, an ecologist is different from an ecologist.

Since the second half of the 20th century, due to the impact of man's actions on nature, groups and people called environmentalists have appeared. They are part of social and civil movements and organizations whose purpose is the preservation of the environment and sustainable development.

environmentalism transmits its messages through awareness campaigns and mobilizations to the population with the objective, furthermore, that these messages reach the political and economic spheres. They seek to promote the balance of the human being with the ecosystem that surrounds him since man is a part of it and not its owner.

environmentalism fight against practices, economic activities and deep-rooted customs that put biodiversity at risk For example: nuclear tests, deforestation, indiscriminate fishing, indiscriminate use of plastics, misuse of natural resources.


  • “Humboldt, the forgotten father of ecology” in Agencia EFE.
  • “History of ecology” in Wikipedia.
  • “Who we are” at Greenpeace.
  • “World Ecology Day” at BBVA.