
We explain what the equinox is, some of its characteristics and its cultural importance. Also, what are its differences with the solstice.

Equinox - solstice
The equinox occurs twice a year, at the end of March and September.

What is the equinox?

The equinox is a astronomical phenomenon that occurs twice a year, when the Sun is located exactly above the equator, causing the length of day and night to be the same throughout the world. This happens because the Earth's axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line that joins the center of the Sun with the center of the planet.

The equinoxes occur approximately between March 20 and 23 and September 20 and 23 each year, and mark the beginning of spring and autumn in both hemispheres.

Furthermore, the equinoxes are used as a reference point in astronomy, and in many cultures they have an important significance within the religious or cosmological tradition. This is because the equinoxes mark, for many civilizations, the rebirth of life after winter (with spring) and the beginning of decay, cooling and death (with autumn).

Origin of the term equinox: The term equinox comes from latin aequus nox (“equal night”), which alludes to the fact that on that day night and day have approximately the same duration throughout the world.

Characteristics of the equinox

The equinox is characterized by the following:

  • It happens twice a year, in the months of March and September.
  • It marks the beginning of spring and autumn.
  • During the equinox, day and night last exactly 12 hours each.
  • It is culturally valued as a symbol of renewal and transition.
  • It was very important for different civilizations throughout history.

equinox and solstice

Solstice - equinox
The solstices are the opposite and complementary degree of the equinoxes.

Just like the equinox, The solstice is a phenomenon that also occurs twice a year, but around June 21 and December 21. It represents the points at which the inclination of the Earth's axis is furthest from or closest to the Sun, depending on the hemisphere in question.

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During the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (June), the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun, producing the longest day and shortest night of the year. On the contrary, the winter solstice (December) has the shortest day and the longest night, since the South Pole is the one that tilts towards the Sun. These solstices mark the beginning of summer and winter in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively.

Cultural and religious importance of the equinox

The shadow of a snake descends the Kukulkan pyramid during the equinoxes.

Throughout history, the equinoxes have been very important for various cultures and religions. In many traditions, these moments of balance between day and night have been valued as symbols of renewal and transition.

For example, the Egyptians aligned some of their monuments, such as the pyramids of Giza, with the equinoxes.

In addition, Civilizations such as the Mayans and the Aztecs celebrated the equinoxes with ceremonies and festivals. The Kukulkan pyramid in Chichén Itzá is famous for creating a light and shadow effect during the equinoxes, creating the visual effect of a snake descending.

On the other hand, the Persian New Year, known as Nowruzis celebrated on the day of the spring equinox. It is a festival in which millions of people participate in Iran and other regions of the world.

Also In Japan the spring equinox, known as Shunbun no Hiit's a holiday in which the dead are honored and the end of winter is celebrated.

Within the Christian tradition, it was established in the year 325 AD. C. the rule according to which Easter should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox.

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  • Cuthbert, L. (2024). What is an equinox and what does it consist of?. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.es/
  • Jáuregui Sarmiento, D. (2023). What is the equinox and what does it consist of? Signal Colombia.https://www.senalcolombia.tv/
  • Shambalanté. (2024). The importance of the equinoxes for the Mayan culture. https://shambalante.com/