
We explain everything about frogs, where they live, what they feed on and other characteristics. Also, what are poisonous frogs.

The most agile species are usually called frogs and those that inhabit the ground more are called toads.

What are frogs?

The species of amphibian animals belonging to the order of anurans (anura), that is, devoid of tail. They are recognized by their compact body, their protractile and sticky tongue, and their powerful hind legs, with which they can make jumps of different sizes.

It is the largest group of all known amphibians, with around 6,600 species described in 54 different families, and with a presence in practically the entire planet.

There is no universal technical differentiation for when to speak of a frog and when of a toad, although the first name is usually used for the most agile, climbing, slender and colorful species, and the second for the less agile species, with rough skin and dark, which tend to live more on the ground.

Frogs are very ancient animals, whose first species emerged sometime in the Triassic Period, around 250 million years ago. They have an important presence in different cultures, often as an icon of ugliness and disgust, but also as a symbol of transformation, given the metamorphosis that marks the transition from juvenile aquatic life to adult terrestrial life.

See also: Jungle animals

Frog Characteristics

characteristic frogs
The frog's tongue can be quickly shot forward.

Broadly speaking, frogs are characterized by the following:

  • They are amphibious animals, that is, they live on the border between water and land performing some functions exclusively in each of these habitats. Depending on the species, they may be more or less likely to spend their entire day in water, since their skin tends to dry out.
  • In general they are small animals, but Its size can vary immensely depending on the species from 8.4 millimeters to 30 cm in wingspan (the Goliath frog, the largest in the world).
  • are cold blooded animals unable to regulate their body temperature, so they require exposure or shelter from solar energy to warm up or cool down.
  • Their bodies are compact, with a wide mouth with or without teeth small, particularly large and protruding eyes, and four limbs. The two rear ones are particularly robust, since they allow it to jump with more or less power, as well as swim very quickly.
  • have a protractile tongue that is, it can be shot quickly forward and to which the prey remains attached, which are immediately dragged towards the mouth.
  • Although their breathing is produced through lungs (and gills during its larval stage), your skin is capable of exchanging gases with the environment. Many species are also capable of secreting certain contact toxins capable of irritating or poisoning their attackers.
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Where do frogs live?

frogs habitat where they live
Many species of frogs have adapted to arid regions.

Frogs have a presence practically throughout the world, except in Antarctica, almost always in regions close to fresh water (rivers, lagoons, lakes, etc.), when not directly in the water. However, many species have adapted to arid regions and are able to survive further away from water, returning to it only to spawn. They are particularly numerous and diverse in tropical jungle regions.

What do frogs eat?

Frogs are predators and their diet generally consists of small arthropods (insects, arachnids, etc.), snails, worms and larvae, although larger species can also hunt small reptiles, amphibians and even small rodents. In general, are very unspecific in their diet

How do frogs reproduce?

frogs reproduction
The fertilized eggs are deposited in the environment by the female.

Reproduction of frogs It is normally sexual and oviparous that is, it depends on the copulation of the male and the female, and the latter then deposits a set of fertilized eggs in the environment. The latter can have different shapes and different fixation mechanisms in the environment, depending on the species. Some frogs even carry the fertilized eggs on their backs, waiting for the birth of the young.

However, the life cycle of the frog goes through a major metamorphosis since the young, called tadpoles, emerge from the egg ready for an aquatic life. They are elongated, equipped with gills and a tail that allows them to swim.

Once they reach a certain size, they prepare to leave the water, changing their gills for lungs and losing their tail, until they become fully adult frogs.

How long do frogs live?

The longevity of a frog depends largely on its species: larger ones live longer than smaller ones, and Their lifespan can range between 4 and 10 years.

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poisonous frogs

poisonous frogs
Poison dart frogs generally have shiny, colorful skin.

The skin of many frogs and toads is capable of secreting certain toxins for their defense which when coming into contact with the skin or mucous membranes of an attacker cause irritation, burning or even poisoning. Generally, these frogs have bright and colorful skin, which in the language of nature serves as a warning.

Most of these frogs belong to the dendrobatid family (Dendrobatidae), popularly known as darttip frogs or arrowhead frogs, and consisting of around 200 species, mostly native to Central and South America.

Continue with: Snake


  • “Anura” on Wikipedia.
  • “Frogs” in National Geographic.
  • “Frog Life Cycle” (video) on Designmate.
  • “Frogs and toads” at the University of La Plata (Argentina).
  • “Frog (amphibian)” in The Encyclopaedia Britannica.