
We explain what the game is and what are all the benefits that this activity provides. Also, the types of games that exist.

Video game - game - gamer
Games act as a stimulus for mental activity and practicality.

What is game?

The term game comes from Latin iocuswhich means something like jokeand is understood as an activity carried out by human beings (and to a certain extent also some animals), which involves the development of the mind and body with a sense of play, distraction, fun and learning.

The games act as a stimulus for mental activity and practicality to the extent that, in almost all cases, it is presented with the same sequence: the player is in one circumstance and has to reach another by designing a mental strategy, which he will then put into practice. That strategy is limited by the rules and guidelines that the game presents, which give it a framework.

It is because of this way in which the game generally develops that it acquires its educational character: the child learns not only to develop strategies, but to adapt to the resources and conditions you have and know in advance. It is no coincidence, then, that the child's transition from the family to educational institutions takes place in kindergarten, where play takes precedence as an activity.

See also: Olympic Games

Types of games

Chess - Game
Board games are often played through the use of a board.

The games that the person encounters as they develop correspond to different classes:

  • Board games. Often practiced through the use of a board and generally by a small number of people (usually two to six). Such is the case of ludo, checkers, chess. They have a strong strategy component, but it is often complemented by a significant amount of chance, as in those in which dice are used. Within this group, card games could also be included, such as poker, basket (both use the so-called French cards) or broom of fifteen (Spanish cards) and traditional relay or racing games, such as the goose game. or the rancher, who added the variant of banking and a kind of money. In some cases what is sought is to reward knowledge, such as in question and answer games.
  • sports games. They are those that are practiced spontaneously or directed by teachers and coaches, in open spaces and with the use of the body. In general, in addition to the body there is some other object, although sometimes it is limited to competitions for the development of a purely physical skill. They can be both individual and group and always complement the aspects of physical ability with strategy and a cool mind to think about how to do it. Schools, families and even States, from their Sports Secretariats, are responsible for disseminating these types of games, which are very popular, among young people.
  • Video games. They are made using digital tools, manifested through a screen. They were not practiced until the end of the 20th century, and in some cases they coincide with those included in the previous categories, but offered in a virtual way. Due to their eventual complexity, and in many cases, due to the failure to comply with the main general characteristics of the game (that is, the lack of group activity and development of strategies according to conditions), they are usually criticized, and parents are recommended to regulate the contact of children with this type of games.
  • Games of chance It groups together all those games that depend on chance, without further intervention of individual skill. The lottery is the classic example of this type of game.
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