
We explain what a hypocrite is, how they behave and what can cause their hypocrisy. In addition, we tell you the origin of the term.

A hypocritical woman gives alms to improve her own image.
Someone who is hypocritical may behave more charitably when observed.

What is someone hypocritical?

a hypocritical person is one that feigns or expresses feelings, opinions or values ​​contrary to those they really have either to hide one's intentions and true personality from others, or to falsely gain their validation and sympathy. In simpler terms, hypocrisy can be understood as having “double face” or “double standards.”

The words “hypocrite” and “hypocrisy” come from Greek. hypokrisin (“actor” or “reciter”), an extremely appropriate origin if one considers that the hypocrite pretends or acts, hiding his true self and telling others what they want to hear or what it is convenient for the hypocrite to tell them. That is why it is common for hypocritical people to be accused of being false, dishonest or of not having their own personality.

a person may have different reasons for being hypocritical such as an uncontrollable need for acceptance, a great fear of rejection, or a significant lack of self-esteem; These reasons push her to hide her own personality and simulate one that she does not have. However, It is possible for a person to act hypocritically in a given situation, even though he or she would not normally do so.

In this way, a hypocritical person It transforms according to the company it is in For example: if others like pizza with pineapple, this person will say that it is their favorite pizza; but when she changes groups and notices that its members hate that particular flavor, she will say that she hates it and will make fun of the bad taste of those who eat pizza with pineapple. The same logic applies to affections, interests, feelings and other aspects of social interaction.

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The hypocritical person shows a different face to each person they are with, so that the rest always believe that they have a special connection with them, and therefore it is impossible to know what they really think and feel. In some cases, they are victims of their need to please and a dynamic of permanent self-deception, but in others it is a way of manipulating and managing others.

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  • “Hypocrisy” on Wikipedia.
  • “Hypocrisy” in the Language Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • “Etymology of Hipócrita” in the Online Spanish Etymological Dictionary.
  • “Hypocrisy” in The Britannica Dictionary.