We explain what RPBI or hazardous biological-infectious waste is, what risk it represents, its regulation and various examples.

rpbi Hazardous biological-infectious waste
RPBI may contain microorganisms, toxic substances and other harmful elements.

What does RPBI mean?

RPBI is the acronym given in Mexico to Hazardous Biological-Infectious Waste, that is, to those waste materials produced by medical and health care services which may contain microorganisms, toxic substances and other elements harmful to health and capable of being transmitted to third parties.

These infectious agents can be of different types: bacteria, viruses or parasites in a concentration sufficient to restart an infectious cycle in anyone who is accidentally exposed to this type of waste, whether human or animal.

Therefore, the RPBI are public risk materials that require careful handling for which health authorities dictate very specific treatment measures. The body that regulates matters concerning RPBI is the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

RPBI have the potential to trigger diseases. They are generated by hospitals, medical-pathological research institutions, clinical laboratories, blood banks, psychiatric units and other similar facilities.

Depending on the amount of RPBI generated and its danger, these organizations must have a physical space to accumulate their waste and a strict temporary management procedure in complete isolation from the public.

See also: Prevention

Examples of RPBI

Examples of RPBI are the following materials:

  • blood samples liquid or its components, either in containers or in absorbent materials soaked in it.
  • Bacterial or viral cultures as well as tissue samples or secretions from infected patients.
  • Organic fabric samples amputated organs or surgical biological waste.
  • Cutting or sharp tools that have been in contact with a patient's body, such as needles, scalpels, etc.
  • Feces, urine and other substances secreted by the patients' body.
  • Used medical or bioanalysis material such as syringes, gauze, gloves, gowns, face masks or containers.
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Continue with: Chemical risk


  • “RPBI – Hazardous Biological Infectious Waste” in the Government of the State of Jalisco (Mexico).
  • “Biological-Infectious Hazardous Waste” in the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua.
  • “Guide for the management of infectious biological hazardous waste in health units” in the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico.