Sense of Belonging

We explain what the sense of belonging is, how it arises, why it is one of the human needs and its importance for society.

sense of belonging
The sense of belonging favors joint and coordinated group functioning.

What is the sense of belonging?

The sense of belonging or feeling of belonging is the subjective identification that an individual experiences with respect to a group an organization or a community, where you feel comfortable, welcome and/or accepted, that is, where you feel you belong. The sense of belonging It is a fundamental element in the constitution of communities human.

Whether it is nations, armies, organizations dedicated to work or sports teams, this feeling allows the members of a group to operate together and to a certain extent put collective well-being before individual well-being. Without a well-rooted sense of belonging, it is much more difficult for human groups to function in a joint and coordinated manner.

To some extent, the sense of belonging It is forged naturally and spontaneously between individuals who share space and interests for long enough. After all, we are gregarious beings, and shared experience forges bonds of identity between us.

The problem is in groups whose individuals do not share a good part of their daily lives, nor do they think in a similar way, or simply do not even know each other, as happens among the citizens of a country.

In these cases, the sense of belonging can be forged or built through education (civic, citizen, family, etc.) or indoctrination (ideological, religious, etc.). In both cases, they are transmitted value systems that foster in the individual the notion of being part of a much larger human group, which even precedes their existence and to which they owe a certain degree of affinity, loyalty or respect.

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In fact, the sense of belonging in the family environment is among the crucial factors for the adequate formation of the individual, since to the extent that they feel accepted, approved and integrated into the family nucleus, their self-esteem will be more solid. In fact, in the “Theory of Human Needs” formulated by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), the sense of belonging is part of the emotional needs.

In conclusion, the sense of belonging is of great importance for our species, since our evolutionary success lay in the ability to cooperate against the risks and dangers of nature. Hence, organizations and companies seek greater commitment from their workers, through the promotion of this feeling. This is often known as morale, a term derived from military jargon.

Continue with: National identity


  • “Identity and the feeling of belonging” at the Alarcón Clinical Psychology Center (Spain).
  • “What is a sense of belonging and how to improve it?” at
  • “Sense of belonging” (video) by Nicolás Mango in TED Talk.
  • “Sense of belonging” by FJ Serón at the University of Zaragoza (Spain).
  • “Sense of belonging” by Arminda García in El Nacional (Venezuela).