We explain what the sense of taste is, how it works and what taste buds are. Also, basic taste modalities.

What is the sense of taste?
Taste or sense of taste is one of the five senses through which human beings relate to the surrounding reality, that is, through which they obtain information about it.
Among them, both taste and smell are considered senses of chemoreception, that is, detection of molecules and chemical compounds present in matter, but unlike smell, which operates at a distance, taste obtains information through direct contact of the body's chemoreceptors with the matter consumed.
This has a very important purpose for living beings, which is to alert them about the state of the organic matter they are about to consume: the perception of flavors. is linked to the presence of certain possibly toxic elements or irritants, or even with an advanced state of food decomposition. Conditions, both, in which it is not advisable to ingest it.
Additionally, the sense of taste can be a source of pleasure since eating good-tasting foods triggers pleasant sensations in the body. That is the reason behind cooking and gastronomy, very prominent aspects of all cultures.
How does the sense of taste work?
The perception of taste occurs in the mouth, logically, thanks to the interaction between food and the so-called taste corpuscles most of which are found on the surface of the tongue. An adult human has about 10,000 of them, grouped into larger structures called taste buds.
Upon coming into contact with food dissolved in saliva, the taste buds release neurotransmitters that trigger a nerve impulse transmitted through specific nerve fibers (called taste pathways) from the taste buds within each papilla, to the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius in the medulla oblongata of the brain.
Thence, neural information passes to the cortical projection area for taste located in the postcentral circumambulation of the brain.
Each taste bud within the papillae is connected to 50 nerve fibers, each of which receives information from 5 taste buds. This occurs mostly on the tongue, but also on the soft palate, inner cheeks, pharynx, and epiglottis.
taste buds

Located mostly on the tongue, giving it a rough appearance, the papillae are structures of diverse shapes, composed of groups of taste buds, that is, taste receptors capable of initiating nervous impulses. In total, the human mouth has about 7,900 nerve receptors.
Depending on their shape and structure, taste buds are classified into:
- fungiform papillae which are mushroom-shaped and are located on the anterior dorsum and lateral edges of the tongue, and contain up to 5 taste buds in their upper region. They are responsible for perceiving sweet flavors.
- Circumvallate papillae also called goblets, are cup-shaped (calyx) and are found near the base of the tongue, arranged in a V shape. Each one can have up to 100 taste buds inside, dedicated to capturing the bitter taste, while others perform structural support functions.
- foliaceous papillae shaped like a tree leaf, which are located in the posterior region of the tongue and in the lingual mucosa. They can be perceived with the naked eye and although they tend to be among the least developed papillae, they are dedicated to the perception of salty flavors.
- conical papillae also called filiform, are filament-shaped and are found on the lateral edges and tip of the tongue. Unlike the previous ones, they do not have taste functions (they lack taste buttons) since their task is to perceive the texture and temperature of food.
Basic taste modalities

The study of taste perception has generally identified five types of basic flavors, called “taste modalities,” into which any perceptible flavor can be broken down. Obviously, its recognition is associated with the action of different taste buds and therefore can vary with age, given that in old age the flavors lose intensity, as a result of the weakening of the taste buds.
On the other hand, it should be considered that the flavors of food are complemented by smell, so that when eating both senses cooperate closely and activate similar nervous circuits in the brain. That is why in conditions of a cold or stuffy nose, the flavor of food is perceived much more subdued.
The five basic flavors are the following:
- Sour or sour taste like the one that the lemon has. It is perceived in the posterior lateral region of the tongue, and is due to the presence of hydrogen cations in foods: the higher the concentration of hydrogen, the higher the acidity.
- bitter taste like that of quinine or chinchona. It is perceived with intensity in the posterior region of the tongue, and is generally associated with natural rejection reactions against the ingestion of toxic substances. But there is no molecular profile common to all bitter-tasting substances.
- sweet taste like sugar. It is preferentially perceived on the tip of the tongue, and naturally associated with biochemical energy sources, such as carbohydrates, and therefore welcomed. In fact, most sweet-tasting substances have organic origins, such as sugars (saccharides), some alcohols, ketones, and glycerol.
- salty taste like that of table salt. It is perceived in the lateral and anterior regions of the tongue, and is due to the presence of sodium or potassium atoms in the food. Many organic compounds are also salty, and recognition and acceptance of salty foods occurs around four months of age.
- Umami flavor such as sodium glutamate. It is perceived by all the receptors in the mouth and tongue, regardless of its position, and the first encounter we have with it comes from breast milk. This basic flavor was not “discovered” until the early 20th century, when it was formulated by Japanese physiologist Kikunea Ikeda (1864-1936), and became scientifically accepted much later. Its name means “tasty” in Japanese.
However, the basic flavors are not fully documented, and it is estimated that there may be others, such as the greasy taste or the metallic taste.
Care of the sense of taste
To take care of our sense of taste we must take care of our mouth and our tongue, understanding that there is a natural degenerative process that over the years will make us lose the intensity of flavors. However, we must take into consideration the following dangers:
- Chronic tobacco use and alcohol deteriorate taste buds.
- The continuous exposure of the language to spicy substances too hot or too cold, deteriorates the health of the taste buds.
- Not maintaining proper oral hygiene and dental health can impair the sense of taste.
- Certain medications, radiation therapy, or disorders hormonal They can cause taste disorders, such as loss or alteration of the perception of flavors.
Continue with: Sense of sight
- “Taste” on Wikipedia.
- “The senses: taste” (video) in La Eduteca.
- “Chemical senses: taste and smell” in Access Medicina.
- “Taste and smell” in Lumen Learning.