Social Norms

We explain what social norms are, their characteristics, examples and legal norms. Also, other types of standards.

social norms help
Social norms, such as helping the elderly, are not mandatory but are widespread.

What are social norms?

Social norms are a group of rules and provisions determined by society regarding the conduct of individuals.

These are social considerations that society imposes on us as appropriate or respectful. However, non-compliance does not constitute a crimebut must be followed to enjoy better coexistence and acceptance.

Social norms include values, customs, rituals, traditions and behaviors of all kinds, which may be more or less close to the moral norms or cultural tradition of society.

These types of rules They are informal and come from social consensusthat is, what a given society (or sector of it) considers to be in good taste at a given time.

See also: Social values

Characteristics of social norms

Social norms vary according to their sociocultural contextare not universal: they depend on the place and time to which they belong. For example, the social norms of Victorian England, famous for its puritanism and modesty, are not the same as those that exist today in the same country, nor were they similar to those that existed at the same time, but in China.

On the other hand, failure to comply with social norms does not carry a formal or legal sanction in itself, but Not following them can lead to rejection situationssince what they seek is to standardize behavior. For example, we may be denied the right to enter a church if we try to do so in a bathing suit.

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Examples of social norms

social norms greeting
Social norms depend on the historical and cultural context.

There are all kinds of social conventions that qualify as social norms. For example:

  • In almost all of the West, shake hands when greeting to an unknown person. If, on the other hand, it is someone familiar, the greeting changes to a kiss on the cheek or other types of interactions, which in turn will depend on the sex of said person: in certain countries men always greet each other with a handshake, while In others it is normal to kiss each other on the cheek.
  • In colonial America dependent on Spain, it was common the separation of society by race (Indians, blacks, whites), and the formal treatment between the subaltern races (Indians and blacks) towards the dominant one had to be given according to certain linguistic formulas: “Your grace” or “Your excellence.” The whites had to do the same when dealing with emissaries of the king or with their own authorities.
  • In some Muslim countries, the code of respect at mealtime It involves the final belch as a sign of gratitude and approval. In the West, on the other hand, belching at the table is a gesture considered rude and in bad taste.

Social and legal norms have a similar origin: they are part of the norms with which a society decides by consensus to govern itself and that organize, structure and articulate daily dealings. However, Legal norms have a much more formal, universal and enforceable range.since non-compliance carries severe sanctions from the State.

On the contrary, social norms can lead to misunderstandings, offending others, or social isolation, but rarely to more risky situations.

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Furthermore, social norms can be respected in many ways, even partially, or replaced by others. While legal norms are immovable and define the framework of justice and coexistence of societies.

Other types of standards

Rules or normative orders can be of many types, according to the authority that issues them or the living space they try to regulate or control. Thus, it is possible to also talk about:

  • Religious norms. They arise from religious institutions and regulate the spiritual life of people. They are personal and voluntary in nature. They involve adherence to a code or philosophy considered a path to salvation or elevation.
  • Legal norms. They come from a judicial or legal authority and are coercive. They make up the body of laws with which a society governs itself.
  • Moral standards. They govern the behavior of individuals in a society. They depend on what that society considers “good”, “bad” or “adequate”.

Continue with: Rules of coexistence


  • “Social norm” on Wikipedia.
  • “Social norm” in Legal Definition.
  • “Social, moral and legal norms” in ORT Virtual Campus.