
We explain what the universe is and what the Big Bang theory consists of. Also, what are the theories of its possible ending.

The universe has a variable extension and is difficult to calculate.

What is Universe?

The universe is the conjunction of everything that exists ; whether material such as planets, stars, galaxies or immaterial contradiction such as energy, space or time. This is why we can affirm that the universe is the space and time in which the planets and their physical laws that govern them are found (such as the law of gravity).

The universe, broadly speaking, It is made up of interconnected galaxies that give rise to galaxy clusters which in turn are related to other clusters, consequently generating a cosmic network that expands throughout the universe.

The universe has a variable extension and is difficult to calculate because can in turn contain other universes. At the same time, we often tend to think that the universe is static but the reality is that it is a changing place full of phenomena.

How did the universe originate?

Big Bang
The Big Bang theory defends the idea that the universe is finite and will have an end.

The Big Bang theory is the most accepted scientific theory about the origin of the universe. It establishes that approximately 13.7 billion years ago all the mass and energy (of the universe) was concentrated in an extremely small and dense point that exploded and in this way gave rise to space and time and the set of essential particles that United they formed matter and energy.

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The Big Bang Theory bases its foundations on Einstein's theory of general relativity concluding that the universe is not static but is in expansion and constant movement. This theory also defends the idea that the universe is finite, that it had an origin and that in turn it will have an end.

Will the universe have an end?

Currently, there are a series of theories that, after a hypothesis, explain what they believe the end of the universe will be like. To start, we can talk about the Big Freeze model which dictates that the continued expansion of the universe will cause (within a billion years) the extinction of all stars, resulting in a cold and dark universe.

We can mention also from the Big Rip theory (or the great tear) which proposes that the more the universe expands, the more dark energy is generated, reaching a moment in time when the dark energy will defeat gravity, breaking the balance that is present between both forces and generating disintegration of any type of matter.

Finally, There is talk of the Big Crush phenomenon which defends the contraction of the universe to a single point after its maximum expansion, giving rise to a new Big Bang.