Vox Populi

We explain what vox populi is, what is its origin and meaning and the different meanings of this popular term.

Vox Populi
If something is vox populi it is because it is considered massive, common, popular or may be obvious.

What is vox populi?

Vox populi or vox pópuli (Castilianized) is a Latin expression that translates as “voice of the people”and which is used to describe something that is public knowledge, that is, that everyone knows and repeats.

The original Latin context is the complete proverb: “Vox populi, vox dei”, which translates “The voice of the people is the voice of God”, meaning that Public opinion, however wrong it may be, usually has the greatest weight in a society and it is therefore not prudent to openly contradict it.

This proverb has been used in various historical contexts, and those who have used it have not always subscribed to its literal meaning, that is, that The voice of the people is sacred and must always be obeyedbut also to warn about the masses' capacity for ignorance.

However, the short form vox populi has been accepted in Spanish as an expression that denotes the known, evident, general nature of an event or information. For example, personal information that escapes the realm of privacy and becomes a rumor or something highly commented on can be said to have become vox populi.

In any case, If something is vox populi it is because it is considered massive, common, widespread, popular or it may even be obviousobvious or universal.

See also: Democracy

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