Wireless Network

We explain what a wireless network is, its advantages, disadvantages and some examples. Also, the devices that make it up.

wireless network
A wireless network is a connection through electromagnetic waves.

What is a wireless network?

In computing and telecommunications, a type of connection between computer systems (that is, between computers) that is carried out using various waves of the electromagnetic spectrum is known as a wireless network.

That is to say, It is a connection of nodes that does not require any type of wiring or wired device since the transmission and reception of information occurs through specialized ports. This type of technology represents a huge leap forward compared to traditional methods.

It originated in 1971 when a group of researchers led by the American computer engineer Norman Abramson (1932), created at the University of Hawaii ALOHA, the first packet switching system over a radio wave communications network.

ALOHA was made up of 7 computers located on different islands in the region, linked together through a central server that carried out different calculations to supply them. The first problems had to do with the fact that the messages coming from the different stations did not overlap with each other, which required the creation of the first MAC protocols.

The following year, ALOHA was already connecting to ARPANET, the American computerized information service, precursor to the Internet.

See also: Computer networks

Types of wireless networks

Wireless networks can be classified based on two different criteria:

  • Depending on your range They are classified in a similar way to wired networks:
    • WPAN Acronyms of Wireless Personal Area Network (Wireless Personal Area Network), has a maximum range of 10 meters, so it is suitable for one or two users maximum, who are together. This type of technologies includes Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.
    • WLAN Acronyms of Wireless Local Area Network (Wireless Local Area Network), is the communications standard on which WiFi technologies are based, capable of reaching a much greater distance based on repeaters, interconnecting various types of devices using radio waves.
    • WMAN Acronyms of Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (Metropolitan Area Wireless Network), much longer range networks, capable of covering up to 20 kilometers.
    • WWAN Acronyms of Wireless Wide Area Network (Wireless Wide Area Network), uses cellular telephone and microwave technologies to transfer data over enormous distances. Some of its types of technology are GPRS, EDGE, GSM, 3G, 4G or 5G.
  • Depending on its frequency range Depending on which part of the electromagnetic spectrum you use to transmit, we can distinguish between:
    • Terrestrial microwaves Using parabolic antennas of about 3 meters in diameter, a microwave signal is emitted that has a range of several kilometers, using frequencies between 1 and 300 GHz.
    • Satellite microwave It operates based on the link between two or more base stations, through the intermediation of a satellite suspended in the atmosphere. Each satellite has its own specific frequency bands, but has a much longer range and higher speed.
    • Infrared It uses non-coherent infrared light modulators, which when directly aligned or reflected on a suitable surface, reach between 300 GHz and 384 THz data transmission speed. However, it cannot pass through walls.
    • Radio waves It uses waves at various frequencies (AM, FM, HF, VHF, UHF, etc.) to emit and receive information signals, achieving high efficiency over short distances, even through walls, but losing them as the receiver moves. physically distances itself from the emitter.
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Advantages of wireless networks

wireless network advantages
Wireless networks allow you to connect even while on the move.

The advantages of wireless networks can be summarized as:

  • Savings in materials. Since kilometers of wiring and ground controllers are not required for the exchange of information.
  • More agile communication. Since a device that is moving, or in remote locations, can connect to the network.
  • Multiplicity of connections. Since more than one device can adhere to the same wireless signal simultaneously.

Disadvantages of wireless networks

On the other hand, wireless networks have the following difficulties:

  • require greater security. Since the signal is uncontrollable and free, and anyone can capture it.
  • are susceptible to interference. Whether from other signals on the same broadcast channel, or from continuous low-frequency noise, antennas, microwave devices or even certain types of metals.
  • The transmission is more complex. Since it requires additional mechanisms and devices to direct the transmission, and receiving devices with adequate power to achieve a stable and continuous signal.

Devices on a wireless network

Any wireless network must have the following elements:

  • Devices with wireless capability To connect to a wireless network you will need a computer, telephone, tablet or device equipped with an antenna capable of perceiving and emitting electromagnetic waves, that is, capable of receiving and emitting radio frequency signals. To do this, they must have an operational wireless network card.
  • Base stations They are those modulators that convert the wired or traditional signal into a wireless signal transmitted by radio waves.
  • Repeaters Devices designed to capture and re-emit a specific signal of electromagnetic waves, to give them a boost and allow them to reach further or to otherwise inaccessible places.
  • Routers and access points The routers (“routers“) are the devices that “translate” the Internet signal and direct it to the access points, so that it can then be distributed by them to the various users of a network. In addition, the former assign an IP address to control and organize access to data packets and avoid losses and overlaps.
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Examples of wireless networks

Some everyday examples of wireless networks include mobile phone networks, WiFi stations in our homes in squares or airports, or even the satellite transmission via microwave of the cable television that we consume in our homes.

It is also a good example the Bluetooth system with which we connect our wireless headphones to the music player or cell phone.

Continue with: Computer network


  • “Wireless network” in Wikipedia.
  • “What is a wireless network? WiFi Security” in Technology & Computing.
  • “All about wireless networks, what types exist and which one is better?” in Econectia.
  • “Wireless Network” in Techopedia.