
We explain what cloning is and what its fundamental principles are. Also, its history, and existing types of cloning.

Human cloning was banned by UNESCO in 1997.

What is cloning?

Cloning is the process by which, non-sexually, two identical cells, molecules or organisms are obtained already developed. A clone is a copy organism in terms of its genetics.

Cloning is based on three main concepts:

  • The cloning process starts from a developed organism since it seeks to make an exact copy of that organism.
  • This copy is obtained through a non-sexual way, since it does not allow identical copies to be made due to the diversity of nature.
  • What is cloned first are the cells, and what is needed is the DNA sequence of the organism.

The molecular cloningfor example, is used for biological experiments such as the mass production of proteins.

In 1997, the cloning of a mammal (a sheep named Dolly) was a world-famous event that sparked controversy around the world. On the one hand, great admiration and on the other, strong rejection and criticism. In any case, cloning in plants was already known a century before.

Cloning in humans was banned by UNESCO. In 1997, the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights was approved. Article 11 clearly states that practices contrary to the dignity of the human being, including cloning, should not be permitted in countries.

Some of the purposes of cloning are:

  • In animals, improve the fertility of species and research.
  • Research into diseases to achieve possible cures.
  • Improve the production of medicines.
  • Perform organ transplants.
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See also: Meiosis

Types of cloning

Cell cloning creates cultures of the same cloned cells.
  • Cell cloning As the name itself says, it is the process by which cells are cloned, creating cultures of them.
  • Molecular cloning This type of cloning is mainly used to carry out all types of experiments.
  • Natural cloning It is the type of reproduction in which there is only one parent and it is asexual. It occurs in unicellular animals and some plants. This classification includes twins.
  • Therapeutic cloning. Its objective is to be able to reproduce tissues and organs for medical purposes.
  • Reproductive cloning Its purpose is to reproduce a human being equal to another. However, this procedure, although possible, is totally illegal. The most famous example of this was Dolly the sheep.
  • Cloning of species They generally focus on the reproduction of already extinct animals. However, these procedures have not been very successful until today, since the newborns have died quickly. The main conflict in this type of cloning is the conservation of the DNA of the species, since they have not been adequately preserved.