Basic Movement Patterns

We explain what the basic movement patterns are, their function and what locomotor, non-locomotor and object movements are.

Basic movement patterns
Each sport can be broken down into a set of basic movement patterns.

What are basic movement patterns?

In physical education and sports, certain types of movements are known as basic movement patterns or fundamental movement patterns. exercises that test the most basic or primordial skills of the human body that is, those that are part of more complex forms of movement.

Thus, any complex motor skill, such as the practice of a specific sport (playing soccer, for example) can be decomposed into a set of much simpler basic forms (running, jumping, kicking), which constitute fundamental movement patterns of the human body.

The basic movement patterns can be of different types, and are classified according to their nature as:

  • Locomotor movements that is, those that involve walking (that is, locomotion) or bodily movement, in their very different speeds and forms, whether it is walking, jogging, running, sliding, jumping, crawling, rolling, throwing or climbing .
  • Non-locomotor movements that is, those that do not involve bodily movement in space, such as rocking, leaning, turning, stretching or bending.
  • Object manipulation when an object other than the human body is involved in the movement, with which the latter interacts in some way, as in the case of kicking, throwing, catching, hitting, pushing or lifting.

In most sports, these basic patterns are combined in different situations to perform more complex tasks, such as, in the case of soccer, running down the field with the ball at your feet, then kicking it so that another person jumps and kicks it. hit inside the goal, and even if the goalkeeper throws himself trying to save it, score a goal.

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Thus, each sport involves a diverse set of basic movement patterns, and Physical education includes different exercises to put them into practice especially during the individual's school days.

Continue with: Voluntary and involuntary movements


  • “Basic movement patterns” by Carolina Torrecilla and Enrique Sánchez, in efdeportes (Argentina).
  • “Fundamental movement patterns” in Saludmed.
  • “What are basic movement patterns?” (video) in the World of Physical Activity.
  • “Basic Movement Patterns” in Science for Sport.