Legal Act and Fact

We explain what legal acts and facts are, what differentiates them, their characteristics, how they are classified and examples.

Legal act and fact
A legal act is a type of legal fact that is characterized because it is voluntary.

In the language of Law, we often speak of legal facts and legal acts, two concepts that designate different referents in the order of jurisprudence, and which should be defined separately.

Firstly, a legal fact is any event, phenomenon or action of natural or human origin, which the appropriate legislators consider as generating legal effects or consequences, such as the creation, modification or extinction of rights and obligations.

In other words, A legal fact is anything that can occur and have legal consequences according to what is typified in any law, rule, custom or ordinance.

Legal facts, therefore, are of an immensely varied nature, and are classified according to their origin as natural and human, depending on whether they are a consequence of human conduct or not. Legal acts are a type of legal fact, as we will see shortly. Examples of legal events are: the death, the birth of an individual, a declaration of war, a natural disaster, a health catastrophe.

For its part, Legal acts are legal facts too, but always voluntary which have the intention of producing legal consequences in accordance with the Law, whether to create, modify or extinguish rights and obligations.

Therefore, they are always the result of human will and require the presence of three basic elements: one or several subjects who express their will, an object or purpose of the legal act, and a legal relationship that links them.

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In many legislations, legal acts are classified according to various criteria, such as:

  • Depending on your type of action can be classified as positive and negative. The former consist of carrying out or carrying out an act (performing a job, for example), while the latter require its omission or abstention (not approaching a person who has filed a precautionary restraining measure, for example).
  • Depending on the number of parties involved can be classified as unilateral and bilateral. In the former, the will of a single party intervenes (such as wills, for example), while in the latter, the consent of two or more parties is required (such as in purchase-sale contracts, for example).
  • According to its relationship with the law can be classified as formal and non-formal. The former require observance of the law, according to its formalities (such as an employment contract, for example), while the latter do not require any solemnity to be valid (such as an oral agreement between the parties, for example).
  • According to the distribution of the obligation can be classified as free and onerous. In the former, the obligation falls on a single party or individual, in accordance with a principle of liberality (as in the case of a donation, for example), while in the latter the obligations are reciprocal and both subjects are obligated at the same time ( as in the case of a rental contract, for example).

The fundamental difference between legal facts and legal acts, according to most legislations, has to do with the origin of the event that causes the legal consequences.

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If said event is natural or social, without the direct intervention of the will of one of the parties, it is considered a legal fact. On the contrary, In a legal act the express will of the parties intervenes that seek a specific legal consequence.

For example: a child at birth acquires a certain series of rights, which are granted to him by law and the legal system, without him having to expressly request them (since, among other things, he cannot do so yet), such as the right to have a nationality. His birth is, therefore, a legal fact.

But if that same individual later wishes to acquire a new nationality and renounce the one he obtained at birth, we will instead be in the presence of a legal act, since in this case the express will of the individual is involved with respect to a legal consequence that he wishes to obtain. : the extinction of your nationality and the acquisition of another.

Continue with: Legal entity


  • “Legal fact” on Wikipedia.
  • “Legal act” in Wikipedia.
  • “The legal fact and the legal act” (video) in IUS Mexicanum.
  • “Legal facts and acts” in Legal Concept.
Categories Law