Mediterranean Forest

We explain what the Mediterranean forest is, its flora, fauna, relief, climate and other characteristics. Also, where is it located.

mediterranean forest
The Mediterranean forest is an arid, wooded and scrub biome.

What is the Mediterranean forest?

Mediterranean forest, durisilva or Mediterranean scrub is called a forest and scrub biome common in regions with a Mediterranean climate that is, a climate similar to that of the surroundings of the European sea of ​​the same name.

These types of forests date back to very ancient times, and have survived the formation events of the Mediterranean region (from the Tethys Sea in the Mesozoic period). On the other hand, they also resisted human intervention, which has played an important role in the formation of their biocenosis.

However, the Mediterranean forest is highly sensitive to desertification if the vegetation layer is destroyed, given that it is a type of arid biome, with xeric vegetation (adapted to a dry environment) and little biodiversity.

Currently, there are numerous initiatives to protect these forests, also threatened by climate change, whose results, however, do not seem very encouraging: a growth of barely 2% between 2010 and 2015, according to UN figures.

See also: Coniferous forest

Location of the Mediterranean forest

mediterranean forest mallee australia
Mallee forests are Mediterranean forests found in Australia.

Mediterranean forests are distributed throughout the world in five climatic regions located on the western facade of different continents. These regions are:

  • The endorheic basin Around the Mediterranean Sea, between southern Europe, northern Africa and the western Middle East.
  • The Californian chaparral. Located in the state of California of the United States.
  • The Chilean scrub On the western coast of South America and in central Chile.
  • The South African fynbos Located in the Cape region.
  • The mallee Southwest and southern Australia.
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Characteristics of the Mediterranean forest

It is a xeric forest, with woody, aromatic and thorny undergrowth. It contains a modest number of plant species and a very marked tendency towards desertification, either as a consequence of the destruction of the vegetation layer or due to the erosive action of rain on the soil.

Plant species are adapted to fire recurring in the summer drought. For this reason, they have very thick and resistant bark with which to shelter themselves, as well as leaves covered in wax to prevent water loss during the warm months.

Mediterranean forest fauna

lynx mediterranean forest
The lynx is one of the predators of the Mediterranean forest.

In the Mediterranean forest There is an animal diversity adapted to the climatic conditions and the plants available as food. As in other forests, insects are the most numerous and successful animal group, supporting a food chain that includes birds of prey, small rodents, squirrels, hares and small reptiles.

There are also larger predators such as lynx (especially the Iberian lynx), foxes, eagles and wolves. There are also herbivorous animals such as the mountain goat. Amphibians and many species of birds such as the jay, the crossbill, the tit and the nightjar are abundant.

Mediterranean forest flora

Mediterranean mastic forest
There are many trees adapted to aridity, such as mastic.

in these forests evergreens predominate like the oak, in the middle of xerophilous and sclerophyllous vegetation adapted to the summer aridity. Also abundant are mastic, aladierno, many vines such as sarsaparilla, and also rockrose, rosemary and thyme.

There are species that produce flowers such as the Aleppo pine and the stone pine, the juniper or the strawberry tree, and in the more humid regions the gall oak and the cork oak are abundant. When it begins the transition to other regions, it usually forms mixed forests with other leafy scrub species, or gallery forests.

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Mediterranean forest relief

The Mediterranean forest predominates in flat reliefs plains, with the occasional mountain range and especially the valleys. The mountains around them are usually young, with relevant and highly populated plateaus.

Mediterranean forest climate

The Mediterranean climate It is characterized by having mild winters, warm autumns, rainy springs and dry summers in which forest fires abound, to which the vegetation is adapted (pyrophilous vegetation).

On average, the temperature remains above 20 °C presenting seasonal variations. Precipitation is not very abundant during the year, although it can exceed 1000mm in certain regions.

This type of climate is distinguished from both the coastal Mediterranean climate (close to water, more stable and humid), and the continental Mediterranean climate (drier and with greater thermal variations).


  • “Mediterranean forest” in Wikipedia.
  • “Mediterranean biome: the Mediterranean Forest and Shrubland” in the Madrid Knowledge Foundation.
  • “What are the characteristics of the Mediterranean forest?” in Gardening ON.
  • “The UN warns about the degradation of the Mediterranean forest” in Agencia Télam (Argentina).
  • “Mediterranean forests, Woodland and scrub” (video) on WizScience.