
We explain what a landscape is and where this term comes from. Also, what are the different meanings of landscape.

The word landscape has its origins in French.

What is landscape?

The concept of landscape is used by geography, art, and even literature. Although all these meanings are different, they have as a common basis that we find one or more observers who refer to an area of ​​land generally standing out for characteristics that make it stand out (whether positive or negative).

The word landscape has its origin in French in which pays refers to a certain region or country, while aje It is a suffix used in the French language, used to give “action” to a certain word.

See also: Relief

Different meanings of landscape

Landscape - Landscaper
A landscaper intervenes in a space in order to make it aesthetically more beautiful.
  • Landscape in geography. In geography, the landscape is defined as a “basic geographical document”, that is, it is the basic element through which we will later work. They are surfaces in which different elements come into play with each other, in a certain geographical space. In them we can find biotic elements (any living being), abiotic (those that do not possess life) and anthropic elements (those that are the result of human interaction with nature).
  • Cultural landscape. On the other hand, we find what is called cultural landscape. In this case it is not a mere natural geographic space, but rather it is the human agent that modifies its environment. Generally, we speak of a cultural landscape when a certain space contains a great historical background, or significant activities for a country or region have been developed there. UNESCO, or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, grants specific distinctions called “World Heritage”. An example of this is the Sintra Cultural Landscape, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful architectural constructions, located in Portugal.
  • Landscape in art. As for art, we can say that landscape begins to have crucial importance from the Renaissance onwards. It is the Renaissance artists who laid the foundation so that later in Holland in the 17th century it was considered an end in itself and not a mere background. Although we find certain antecedents in religious painting, these were only mere accompaniments, since the purpose was totally different. Different artistic movements will follow this trend, such is the case of Impressionism in France, for example. In these cases, art already appears as an aesthetic goal and not the representation of deities or mythical forces, which only expressed man's fear of an unknown world.
  • Landscapers. There is a specific profession that is dedicated to the landscape and its modification for aesthetic purposes; they are landscapers or landscape architects, depending on where we are. His work consists of the intervention of a certain space in order to make it aesthetically more beautiful. Many home owners, and especially the most luxurious ones, hire landscapers to decorate their parks in a harmonious and beautiful way. They use resources such as flora, fountains, among many other elements.
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As we said at the beginning of the text, the landscape presupposes an observer and something to observe, generally an extension of territory with its particular characteristics. However, the observer is not a mere passive subject who only “receives” what surrounds him in a sensitive way.

The observer, by the simple fact of being an observer, intervenes on reality, making it his own subjective experience. Therefore, we can affirm that when faced with the same landscape, no observer will have the same experience, even if they can technically observe the same thing.