
We explain what it means to be overwhelmed and the origin of the term. Also, examples in sentences and synonyms.

A person becomes overwhelmed by something that overwhelms, surpasses or overwhelms them.

What does it mean to be overwhelmed?

When we say we are overwhelmed, we mean we are in trouble. an emotional situation of overwhelm, boredom, amazement or admiration always with the sense of finding ourselves facing something that overwhelms us, surpasses us, overwhelms us. When a person is overwhelmed, then, they are overcome by a powerful feeling of anguish, surprise or boredom.

The word overwhelm comes from Latin joke“mollusk”, a name given in classical antiquity to certain animals that feed on wood and could therefore eat away at the hull of ships, making them heavier and less maneuverable. From there would have been derived, in a figurative sense, the idea that someone overwhelmed is someone who reacts like those plagued ships did.

There is, however, a certain ambiguity regarding the overwhelming feeling that the word overwhelmed evokes. That is to say, can be used to refer to negative feelings (and in that sense it is more similar to overwhelmed), as well as other more neutral or positive ones like surprise or even joy. For example:

  • Me overwhelm the responsibilities at my job.
  • Maria is overwhelmed even for the death of his parents.
  • The economic crisis is not so overwhelming.

But also:

  • Jorge is overwhelmed for so many recognitions.
  • I received a surprise overwhelming on my birthday.
  • The arrival of investors overwhelmed to local markets.

So, they are synonyms for overwhelmed: overwhelmed, overcome, overwhelmed, harassed, oppressed, anguished, fed up, stunned, uncomfortable or even surprised. On the contrary, they are antonyms: relieved, relaxed, comforted or impassive.

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  • “Overwhelm” in the Language Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • “Information about Abrumar” in the Online Spanish Etymological Dictionary.
  • “Overwhelmed” in Wiktionary.