We explain what abortion is and the types of abortions that exist. Furthermore, the debates about this practice and abortive methods.
What is abortion?
The word abortion derives from the Latin abortus and Its main meaning is to cut off the continuity of a particular activity. An example of the latter is the phrase “Abort the operation”, frequently used in military activities.
In its most common use, abortion refers to forced termination of pregnancy. This interruption can be caused by various causes.
See also: Birth
Spontaneous abortion is when pregnancy is terminated before 26 weeks of management. In this period of time, the fetus has not yet developed most of its organs, so it is not in a position to remain alive outside the mother's womb.
This type of abortion, as its name indicates, occurs when a pregnancy is lost very suddenly. According to various sources, between 8% and 15% of pregnancies end due to spontaneous abortions, without taking into account a large number of people who have not participated in data collection.
Most interruptions in the gestation period occur in the first twelve weeks, spontaneously, whether known or unknown. Also, in most cases no assistance or surgical action is needed to remove the fetus. Like spontaneous abortions, induced abortions also occur within this time period (before 12 weeks)
This type of abortion can occur due to a chromosomal alteration caused by poor disjunction of gametes that participate in fertilization during the meiotic stage of sex cells. This leads to an alteration in the chromosome number, causing spontaneous abortions.
Recurrent spontaneous abortion, known as AER, is the best known in clinical cases. Some epidemiological data indicate that after having undergone a spontaneous abortion (known by the letters AE), the risk of having a miscarriage again is almost 25% taking into account that after four spontaneous abortions, this possibility increases by 15%, that is, the new possibility of having spontaneous abortions is 40%.
Another probable cause of miscarriage may be an alteration in an artery that supplies the uterus, the uterine artery. There are also a variety of anatomical factors that can cause these abortions. Fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis and adhesions inside the uterus are some of the causes of spontaneous abortions.
Endometriosis is a condition of the uterus, in which the endometrium (the endometrial tissue is what covers all surfaces, in this case the uterus in particular, and is what is expelled after menstruation or period), grows outside its place.
Family history must be taken into account, especially the mother's conditions and the follow-up of her pregnancy in order to determine the causes of an abortion. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and using drugs greatly increase the chances of the pregnancy being terminated.
induced abortion
Induced abortion, according to the WHO definition, is one that results from various tactics that are carried out on the pregnant woman with the aim of ending your gestation period, that is, your pregnancy. These actions or tactics can be carried out by a person other than the pregnant woman or by the mother herself.
Induced abortion laws were decriminalized in many countries, even since the first laws began to be formulated at the beginning of the previous century. Induced abortion is decriminalized in first, second and third world countries that is, both developed and underdeveloped.
legal abortion
Legal abortion receives this name when carried out under the decriminalized laws of the country in which it applies. For example, in Spain it is considered legal when it is practiced with the consent of the pregnant woman and in a specialized medical center, as long as there is no risk to the health of the pregnant woman or her life, also due to rape and malformations.
Illegal abortion
Illegal or clandestine abortion is carried out against the laws of the country in which it is practiced. In general, this type of abortion is performed in very poor hygienic conditions and with little possibility of resorting to immediate professional medical assistance in case of an emergency.
Abortion debate
The debate is generated from the question When does life begin? This, legally speaking, is determined by the Constitutions of the countries and the regulation of the laws begins from there.
Those who are against this practice are, for the most part, people with strong religious convictions, claiming that life begins from conception, while Doctors require a minimum of 22 weeks to consider that it is no longer a fetus and becomes a human being. Still, others maintain that the fetus can be considered a human being only when it is born.
Currently There are many countries that are in the fight for legal abortion arguing that its correct legalization will not increase the abortion rate, but rather it can be regulated and save lives, avoiding unsafe abortions, since the women who go to safe private clinics are those who belong to wealthy social classes.
abortion methods
Some of the most used methods are the following:
- Suction It is carried out using a special cannula that is inserted into the uterus, with prior application of anesthesia. It takes little time and the doctor can do it manually.
- Scraping. It is performed with a surgical instrument designed for the process. As the name indicates, the uterus is “scraped” with this element and is performed under total anesthesia.
- Medications Depending on the number of weeks you are pregnant, the doctor will give you a dose of certain medicines.
Contraceptive methods to prevent abortion
It is important practice safe sex to avoid reaching difficult and/or traumatic situations. However, it is also extremely important to remember that some of these methods do not protect the body against possible infection with a sexually transmitted disease, such as AIDS or hepatitis B, among others.
- “Morning After” Pill
- Birth control pills
- tubal ligation
- Vasectomy
- Monthly and quarterly injectables
- Condom or condom, whether female or male
- Diaphragm
Continue in: Contraceptive methods.