We explain what the environment is and the different definitions of this concept. Also, some examples and what the environment is.
What is the environment?
The environment is any environment that surrounds something or someone. The origin of the word “environment” comes from Latin both (which means “that surrounds”) and, depending on the context in which the concept is used, it can refer to different things.
First of all, in biology and other disciplines the word “environment” (or often “environment”) is used to refer to the set of conditions that surround a living being. These are those natural and social elements that are part of an environment and interact with each other.
These environments can be natural (those that have hardly been modified by humans) or artificial (those that have been modified by human action). This concept is also used to name the air or atmosphere that surrounds the Earth and in that sense concepts such as “ambient temperature” and “ambient humidity” are used.
Another meaning of the term “environment” refers to the conditions or circumstances of a place, a time or a group. In relation to a group or a social sector, it is used to name the attitudes that its members have with respect to someone or something. Saying that an environment is good or bad involves determining whether the amenities and conditions are adequate for the individuals who are in the place. For example, “I left that party because the atmosphere wasn't good.”
The word “environment” also refers to those groups in which an individual develops such as: the literary environment, the intellectual environment, the family environment or the professional environment.
On the other hand, in the field of literature, the term “environment” is used to name the context that surrounds the characters of a story. This environment occurs within a certain geographical environment and has its own characteristics, both physical, historical, cultural, among others.
Finally, in Latin America the word “environment” It is commonly used to refer to a room in a house For example, “I live in a two-bedroom apartment.” In turn, these spaces can be decorated, that is, they can be given an appropriate atmosphere, using lights, furniture and objects.
Examples of environments
The term “environment” is used to name different environments in which human beings develop, some examples are:
- Family atmosphere. It is the family environment that surrounds an individual and includes the relationships that he establishes with each of the members. There family ties are forged such as father-son, brother-sister, grandson-grandmother, uncle-nephew, among many others. The characteristics of this environment may vary according to each case, but, as it is a fundamental environment in the development of the human being, it is intended to be an environment of respect, justice, harmony, affection and in which values and customs are transmitted.
- Work environment. It is the work environment that exists in a certain group or organization. The work environment includes elements such as the relationship between workers, the relationship with management, the culture of the organization, the organization of work, among many others. According to this set of characteristics and the workers' appreciation of them, it can be determined, for example, whether that work environment is good or bad, healthy or unhealthy.
- Social environment. It is the environment in which the individual develops all his activities and puts his abilities to service. This social environment is made up of the spaces in which the person carries out his or her life, such as the family, leisure or work environment. In this environment the individual interacts with his peers and the values, norms and customs of his environment prevail.
- Cultural environment. It is the environment of a certain space or moment that includes all the elements created by humans, such as the customs, beliefs and rules prevailing in a social environment.
The environment
The environment is the set of elements that are part of nature which are closely related and interact with each other. The natural environment includes biological or biotic factors, which are all living beings (such as flora, fauna and humans), and physical or abiotic factors, which are fundamental for the subsistence of living beings (such as climate, water and the ground). Currently, most natural environments have been modified, to a greater or lesser extent, by human action. Therefore, the environment also includes elements produced by humans, such as culture or urbanization.
Conservation of the environment is of utmost importance, since The living beings that inhabit the planet obtain all the necessary elements from it for their subsistence, such as food and shelter. Furthermore, in the specific case of human beings, they are capable of transforming natural resources and using them to meet other needs such as transportation and clothing.
However, both pollution and the exploitation of resources and the advance of human activity on the natural environment have a strong negative impact that produces environmental alteration. That's why, It is important to consider different measures that can be implemented to protect it and remedy or mitigate damage that has already been caused. Some of the precautions that can be taken into account are:
- Do not throw garbage on public roads or in any natural environment.
- Reduce the consumption of single-use plastics.
- Separate waste.
- Plant trees.
- Reduce the use of drinking water.
- Turn off the lights when they are not in use.
- “Atmosphere” in RAE.
- “What is the environment and why is it key to life?” at BBVA.
- “What is the environment?” in SOAS.
- “Social environment” in Dictionary.