Company Name

We explain what a company name is and what this legal attribute is used for. Also, some examples of recognized brands.

Company name
The company name is the name under which an organization or company is registered.

What is a company name?

Just as people have a legal identification usually composed of one or more first names, one or more surnames, and an identification number in their nation's records, Commercial companies have a name given at the time of founding. This name is your company name or corporate name.

Thus, when we use this last term, we are referring to the specific name with which a specific organization or company was registered, that is, the official and legal term to refer to it collectively, and which initially distinguishes it from other organizations.

The company name of a company will appear in its founding document, and will identify both the legal entity and the group of the organization which is why it is used at formal, administrative and legal levels.

This name may be the one that appears on your official stationery or in your advertising advertisements, or can be strictly bureaucratic use and give way to a pseudonym or a more salable name (Trade Name) with which to identify your products. For example, the McDonald's company has the company name “Arcos dorados, CA” in some countries (Golden Arches).

The steps for registering a company name are determined by the commercial laws of each nation, but in general it tends to be a rigorous process of demonstrating the originality of the name, since using a foreign company name is considered plagiarism and is subject to legal and legal sanctions for the ownership of intellectual rights.

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Similarly, Changes in company name are usually subject to control processes and documentation, since changing the name of an organization, especially if it has capital and assets that may affect third parties or that may be of illicit origin, should not serve to escape justice and hide illegal actions.

Examples of company name

Company name
Pepsi's corporate name is PepsiCo, Inc.
  • Trade name. McDonald's / Company name: Arcos Dorados, CA
  • Trade name. Plinpín Toys / Company name: Carlos Fernandez, EIRL
  • Trade name. Cheese Bazaar / Company name: Chascomús, SA de CV
  • Trade name. Fish La Sirena / Company name: PFV Imports.
  • Trade name. Proceramics / Company name: Grupo Fernández, SA
  • Trade name. Pepsi / Company name: PepsiCo, Inc.