
We explain what a service is and what its characteristics are. Also, what does intelligence service and military service consist of?

Military service
Military service is a type of government service.

What is service?

The concept of service comes from Latin servitĭum. Himself refers to the action to serve However, this concept has multiple meanings depending on the subject in which it is treated.

Services, from the point of view of marketing and economics, are the activities that attempt to satisfy customer needs. Services are the same as a good, but in a non-material or intangible way. This is because the service is only presented without the consumer possessing it.

  • See also: Customer service

Service characteristics

Customer service
The services must provide the possibility of gratitude or complaint.

Services can be administered both by the State and by the private sectors, even in a mixed manner. The services are defined as heterogeneous since The services provided can never be identical by various variables, also as intangible since the user cannot touch them, this is the case of customer service telephone lines. And as has already been mentioned it cannot be owned.

Some of the basic issues that the services are considered to provide are treating their clients well, satisfying their needs, provide the possibility of thanks or complaint usually in writing.

Lastly, but most importantly, Service providers must comply with the agreement which is usually determined through a contract. They must clearly state what the conditions of the services to be provided by the company or the state will be.

intelligence services

intelligence services
The intelligence services carry out espionage activities, among others.

Intelligence service is understood to be means to obtain information, under the idea of ​​defense and security of a country. To do this, citizens, their activities and others are investigated in order to create files and profiles of them. However, many times these types of services cross the line of legality and carry out activities such as wiretapping or espionage.

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Many times these can be government entities and others can be private on certain occasions the latter exceed state borders, to generate ties of interstate cooperation.

Military service

Military service is intended dictate activities to train future soldiers. They are trained based on traditional values ​​and customs, always accompanied by disciplinary limits. The aim is for soldiers to acquire values ​​such as bravery, honesty and to love their country.

The specific objectives of military service are usually related to the conservation of the sovereignty of each country and its independence but it is also important to highlight their intervention not only in times of internal social crises or foreign invasions, but also in the face of natural disasters. Nowadays military service is usually optional in most countries.