Computer History

We explain the history of the computer, its background and the characteristics of each generation of computers.

history of the babbage computer background 1834
The history of the computer begins in 1834 with Babbage's analytical engine.

computer history

Computers, computers or computers are the most efficient calculation tools ever invented. They have sufficient computing power, autonomy and processing speed to replace us in many tasks, or allow us work dynamics that have never been possible before in history, to the point of becoming indispensable today.

These devices were invented in the 20th century, forever revolutionizing the way we understand industrial processes communications, society and many other areas of life.

Its history begins with the first computer itself, the authorship of which cannot strictly be attributed to any single person. Since then they have changed enormously and they have changed us enormously, which is why many scholars consider their emergence a Second Industrial Revolution or even a Digital Revolution.

See also: Generations of computers

Computer background

The history of the computer dates back to the year 4,000 BC C. when the first machines designed for arithmetic were invented and the first calculation rules. Among them is the abacus, an important advance in the field.

Much later, more sophisticated inventions were created, such as Blaise Pascal's machine (known as Pascal's Machine or Pascaline), created in 1642. It consisted of a series of gears that allowed arithmetic operations to be carried out mechanically. By improving it, In 1671 Gottfried Leibniz created the first calculators close cousins ​​of the computer.

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In 1802 Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a punch card system that would allow him to automate his looms and thus reduce the need for labor. In 1822 they were the inspiration of the Englishman Charles Babbage in the creation of a differential calculus machine. Babbage is “the father of the computer” because in 1834 he invented a kind of analytical machine.

First generation (from 1940 to 1952)

computer history 1940
Punched cards supplied instructions to early machines.

The initial generation of computers begins with the invention of the first automatic calculating machines which could properly be considered a “computer”. They responded to the need during World War II to decipher secret enemy codes.

They were electronically based on valves and vacuum tubes. They could be programmed using a set of simple instructions, which had to be supplied to the system through punched paper or cardboard cards, as in Babbage's invention.

Second generation (from 1956 to 1964)

The second generation represented an important change, since vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors allowing the machines to be made much smaller and also reducing their electrical consumption.

These were, also, the first machines to have a programming language like the famous FORTRAN. Thus, the punch card system soon became obsolete.

Third generation (from 1965 to 1971)

history of the computer integrated circuit
Integrated circuits began the miniaturization of computers.

The leap to the third generation was determined by the invention of Integrated circuits: allowed us to increase processing capacity of the machines and if that were not enough reduce their manufacturing costs.

These were circuits printed on silicon chips, with small transistors and semiconductors incorporated. This was the first step towards the miniaturization of computers.

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Fourth generation (from 1972 to 1980)

history of the fourth generation personal computer
Microprocessors appeared with the first personal computers.

The gradual integration of the previous electronic components led to the appearance of microprocessors: new integrated circuits that bring together all the fundamental elements of the computer and that soon began to be called chips.

Thanks to them, computers could decentralize their logical-arithmetic operations. For example, replacing silicon ring memory with chip memory was an important step toward microcomputerization. To this generation they belonged the first personal computers or PC.

Fifth generation (from 1983 to 2019)

The most recent generation in force today Today, it witnessed the most enormous diversification in the computer field in its entire history. Made portable, lightweight and comfortable and even expanded its boundaries of use thanks to the possibility of computer networks.

The computer no longer even needs to be fixed in a room, but can travel in our briefcases. Never before have processing speed, versatility and convenience converged so much in the computer world, allowing it to merge with telephones (giving birth to the Smartphone) and with many other different formats.

Sixth generation (from 2019 to the near future)

Little is known about the generation of computers to come. The great advances in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and learning algorithms promise a highly automated future and enormous industrial potential. In it, the computer can stop being an artifact that accompanies us and can become inside our own bodies.

Continue with: Computer components


  • “History of computing” on Wikipedia.
  • “The history of the computer and computing” (video) in Complete Documentaries.
  • “History of the computer” in Technology and computing.
  • “History of the Computer Documentary” (video) on The Security Tube.
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