
We explain what an input is, its characteristics and what types exist. Also, differences between inputs and raw materials.

Inputs do not reach the consumer but rather help produce consumable goods.

What is an input?

We call input any element that intervenes in the production process and is consumed in the process that is, they contribute to the transformation of raw materials into consumer goods, but are different from the latter. This word comes from Latin roots in (“inside”) and sumere (“take”, “assume”) and is linked to the Spanish verb consume which means “employ”, “invest money”.

In other words, we call inputs various materials extracted from nature or produced by human labor, which instead of being consumed directly, contribute to the production of other consumable goods. These are, therefore, valuable resources for the economic circuit, and are present in any productive work.

The inputs can be:

  • Fixed: They are essential for the productive work in which it intervenes.
  • Variables: They are only necessary in certain cases.

Even so, in all productive work, of any type, some type of input is needed.

See also: Material resources

Types of inputs

Broadly speaking, it is possible to distinguish between two categories of inputs, from an economic point of view:

  • Job which refers to labor, that is, the effort carried out by workers to convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Productive capital which refers to the tools, facilities, machinery and technology in general that are needed to carry out productive tasks. It should not be confused with liquid capital (money).
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Another way of classifying supplies is that which distinguishes between the type of use they are used for: medical supplies, for example, are those intended for medical or hospital work; industrial inputs, which are part of productive work, especially basic industries; ectetera.

Difference between input and raw material

raw material inputs
The raw material, such as flour, is what the inputs allow to transform.

We must not confuse the inputs, which intervene in the production process to allow, facilitate and/or control it, with the raw material which is precisely what is transformed into the manufactured object or semi-finished, that is, that which undergoes productive transformation.

Raw materials are essential for production, as are many inputs, but without raw materials there would be nothing to transform, nor anything to use the various inputs available.


  • “Input” in Wikipedia.
  • “Input” in the Language Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • “Input Filing” in the Online Spanish Etymological Dictionary.