We explain what an ISP is and what connection technologies it can use. Some examples and how to detect what your ISP is.

What is ISP?
The ISP (acronym in English of Internet Service Provider), in computing, it is the Internet Service Provider that is, to the company that sells the Internet connection to users.
Thus, the same ISP provides its group of clients with access to the Web through different means or technologies (DSL or “broadband”, dial-up, cable modem, GSM, etc.), and in the same country or region they can There are various ISPs, which together constitute a market.
In its beginnings, the Internet was a technology limited to university, government, and scientific environments, requiring specialized identification and access to use it. But this limited its dimensions, and excluded the general public, increasingly interested in the infinite possibilities of the Web, so in the early 90s a group of private companies decided to offer access points to the network, thus becoming the first commercial ISPs.
Competition between ISPs eventually led to an increasingly broader market of users and new and faster connection technologies which allowed the great information explosion of the Internet, taking it practically everywhere: cyber-cafes and phone shops initially, then to the users' own homes and finally, as we can see today, to the cell phones that they own.
ISP Technologies
The main technologies used by ISPs to provide their users with an Internet connection are:
- Dial-up (dial-up connection) Connection through the telephone network.
- ADSL (broadband) Connection through an asymmetric digital subscriber line (hence the acronym).
- CATV. Connection via subscription television (cable).
- mobile phone network. For “smart” cell phones, either UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) or HSDPA (3G technology).
- Wireless network (WiFi). Connection through radio waves for computers and cell phones.
ISP Examples
Some examples of ISPs in different countries are:
- Spain Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo, R (telecommunications), Euskaltel, Telecable, Adamo Telecom.
- Argentina Telecentro, Fibertel, Speedy, Gigared, Arnet, Cotelcam, Skymax, Sion.
- USA Comcast, Time Warner Cable, AT&T, Cox Communications, Google Fiber, Verizon.
- Venezuela Cantv, Movistar, Digitel.
- Dominican Republic Sure, Orange, Tricom, Viva.
- Peru Americatel, Claro, Entel, Telmex, ColinaNet, MecaCableNet, Inventa Telecomunicaciones.
- Ecuador Telconet, Grupo TV Cable, Puntonet, Clicknet, Turbonet, SilviaNET, MaxFib.
- Mexico Gemtel, Kiwi Networks, Totalplay Telecomunicaciones, Axtel, Megacable, EnlaceTPE.
How do I know my ISP?
In principle, to know our ISP it would be enough to check the name of the company you pay for Internet service often the same one that provides us with telephone and/or cable television. In case we do not know it, it is possible to access this information through some free web pages that reveal information about the internet protocols that we use.
Some of them are Spyber.com or Ipcheck.org, and just enter their URL address in a window of our browser and wait for the complete information of our connection and computer to be displayed, such as IP address, server, remote port, and ISP. The latter can be called through those acronyms or simply as “Internet Service Provider”.