Job Analysis

We explain what job analysis is, how it is carried out and what it is for. Additionally, the elements of a job description.

job analysis
Job analysis allows us to know which profile is most suitable to occupy a position.

What is job analysis?

Job analysis is a process that serves to collect information about the tasks, responsibilities, required skills and expected results of a job position, in order to know which profile is the most suitable to occupy it.

The process involves collecting as much data as possible to make a complete job description. Those in charge of carrying out the analysis are the Human Resources department of an organization or specialized analysts, together with the continuous participation of the entire institution.

Once the analysis information has been processed, the Human Resources area can carry out the following stages, which consist of publishing the job search, selecting among the offers received, interviewing the most suitable people and choosing the most suitable candidate.

See also: Human Resources Administration

When is job analysis performed?

Job analysis is carried out faced with the need to fill a position within an organization (which can be an existing position within the organizational chart or a new one), or to improve the level of current employees.

It is a fundamental process for any institution despite the fact that some do not recognize its importance and opt for other less precise methods for the selection and hiring of their employees.

In addition, there are other situations in organizations that require a job analysis, for example:

  • When you decide to found an organization.
  • When new jobs are created in the institution.
  • When jobs are modified due to a new distribution of areas.
  • When it is necessary to update the organization's salary compensation system.
  • When the number of dissatisfied employees represents a majority or when there is a group claim.
  • When the productivity and performance of the organization do not reach the expected objectives.
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What is job analysis for?

job analysis what is the use of conflict
Job analysis detects conflict situations before they hinder work.

Job analysis provides several benefits:

  • Know better the work each employee does and each area, especially for the manager of the organization.
  • Detect certain conflict situations in time that can hinder the performance of activities in an area.
  • Facilitate the incorporation of new employees by having clear details of the position and the expectations expected of the candidate.
  • Set an appropriate salary level for each position.

Job analysis methods

There are various methods to carry out job analysis, depending on the type of position and area to which they refer, which can be used individually or in combination:

  • The observation method It consists of the oldest modality that does not lose validity due to its effectiveness. It is based on the study through direct observation of employees during the performance of their work and recording key data from the observation.
  • The questionnaire method It consists of a survey prepared by a specialized analyst that must be completed by the employee. The questionnaire is carefully developed to obtain specific answers and clear information about each job position.
  • The interview method. It consists of the most versatile and beneficial approach for obtaining information because it involves a reciprocal interaction between the analyst and the employee, who will be able to resolve doubts at the same moment. Prior to the interview, the analyst prepares a series of questions and topics to discuss with the employee so as not to forget any important point.

Elements of a job description

The elements of a job description are those that will allow a correct analysis to be carried out (through the most convenient method). Among the main elements are:

  • The identification of the position It refers to the position data, such as the name of the position, which department or which cost center it corresponds to, what level of education is necessary, among others.
  • The objective of the position It refers to the expected final result of the position, which determines its reason for existing within the organization.
  • The place of the position in the organizational chart It refers to the place that the position occupies in the graphic representation of the organization's structure.
  • The daily activities of the position It refers to the details of the daily tasks that a person must perform when occupying the position.
  • The key links. It refers to the relationship with the internal areas of the organization and with the external agents with which the position has contact, and the objective of these links.
  • Decision making of the position It refers to the level of responsibility that the position requires to make decisions, whether individually or shared (in that case, it must clarify which area or position it is interrelated with).
  • Key performance indicators From the English term KPI (Key Performance Indicator), refers to a type of measurement that allows us to know the level of performance or performance and is related to the objectives of the position (usually measured in percentages).
  • Internal promotion of the position It refers to a search within the organization for suitable profiles to fill a vacant position. It is a way to encourage the growth of employees within the institution.
  • The necessary supplies for the position. It refers to the detail of elements and physical space required for the correct performance of the position so that the person can meet the established objectives (for example, computer, desk, cell phone, among others).
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