
We explain what pathetic is, some synonyms of this term and its definition in the fields of literature and medicine.

Pathetic - Ridiculous
The word “pathetic” is closely related to ridiculousness.

What is pathetic?

The adjective pathetic is used to refer to that which is capable of mobilizing the spirit by infusing it with vehement affections and particularly pain sadness or melancholy. This word comes from Greek pathetikos, where pathos means emotion, feeling or illness and the suffix iko means “related to”.

The most common use that is usually given to this adjective is to refer to something that is grotesque. We could say, then, that this use of the word is closely related to ridiculousness.

The main purpose of using this word is to disqualify the other. That is, it is used as a means of aggression towards a person or situation to point out that their action or way of being causes discomfort, embarrassment or laughter in people around.

Synonyms: In order to understand even more precisely the meaning of this concept, we can say that moving, painful, exciting, dramatic, disturbing, impressive or tragic are some of the many synonyms that correspond to this word.

See also: Torrante

Definition of pathetic in literature

The word “pathetic” is not negative or pejorative, but is related to empathy.

In the field of literature, there is a famous expression that uses this concept called «pathetic fallacy«, which refers to that resource of the description of a series of objects that do not have life and belong to nature who will be given a series of certain feelings, as well as sensations, that can only be attributed to human beings.

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In this case, the use of the word “pathetic” It is not negative or pejorative, but is related to empathy. If we compare it with rhetorical figures, it has common characteristics with personification because both attribute human sensations, capacities and emotions to inanimate objects; However, the pathetic fallacy is less formal than the latter.

Definition of pathetic in medicine

In the field of medicine and the human body, the word pathetic has a certain meaning. Used to refer to the “pathetic nerve” (It is also known as the trochlear nerve) and is the nerve found in the skull that is related to motor skills when it innervates the greater oblique muscle found in the eyes.

We can find the pathetic nerve in the midbrain and Its main function is to create a set of fibers which will emerge from the rostral medullary velum.

This nerve is essential because its proper functioning is needed to prevent the person from suffering from divergent strabismus, if they are experiencing paralysis. In addition, its malfunction can cause the person to have symptoms such as seeing double.