Ecological Awareness

We explain what ecological awareness is, its objective and why it is important. In addition, we tell you how it is possible to develop it.

A protest seeks to create ecological awareness in the population.
Ecological awareness has become a common requirement for economic actors.

What is ecological awareness?

Ecological awareness or environmental awareness is the degree of concern and knowledge that a consumer or a specific organization has regarding the environmental impact of their lifestyle and activities productive. Thus, a person is said to be ecologically aware when they know what environmental problems their lifestyle contributes to and, therefore, makes an effort to reduce their contribution to ecological deterioration.

Nowadays in the 21st century, ecological awareness has become a common requirement for economic actors, especially in the most developed countries. This is because The environmental consequences of industrial activity and the consumerist model of mass society have become evident (pollution of different ecosystems, deforestation, climate change, among others), so there is a need to look for a sustainable economic model that gives the ecological aspect an important place.

Ecological awareness, in this way, Not only should it be an important element for production and business models, but it should be part of the way we consume of the citizens. Choosing sustainably produced merchandise, moderating energy and resource demand, and committing to reuse and recycling, for example, are ways in which people can exercise their ecological consciousness and minimize the damage their way. of living cause in the ecosystem.

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See also: Sustainable development

Importance of ecological awareness

ecological awareness It is essential for the design of a lasting economic and social model that does not cause irreparable damage to the environment or the depletion of natural resources. Otherwise, future generations will receive a more difficult world impoverished and ruined.

The sacrifice of global biodiversity and environmental stability is a very high price to pay in exchange for a more comfortable present, especially considering that a change of habits and a change of system is completely possible, if we have the necessary ecological awareness.

Purpose of ecological awareness

The central task of ecological awareness is commit the individual and organizations to the preservation of the environment that is, with the behaviors and principles of sustainability, environmental responsibility and planning for the future. In this way, the aim is to convert ecology into something more than an additional profit with which to beautify or promote products, and to incorporate it into the central and important themes of the contemporary economic, political and social debate.

How to develop ecological awareness?

An ecologically conscious hospital collaborates with environmental balance through plants in its facilities.
It is important to link ecological awareness with knowledge considered “useful”.

To feed or promote ecological awareness the following actions are useful:

  • Develop environmental awareness and education campaigns aimed at consumers and families, with energy saving measures (turn off lights that are not being used, regulate air conditioning and heating, among others) and promotion of the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Promote the recycling industry so that it is profitable and that there are the necessary facilities so that individuals can separate their garbage and recycle as much as possible.
  • Invest part of the country's budget or the dividends of private organizations in counteracting the ecological footprint caused, through green campaign financing reforestation, reuse of resources, among others.
  • Require local regulations that forces private initiatives to consider the ecological aspect in the design of their business plans, in such a way that it is illegal and unprofitable to produce merchandise with high environmental impact.
  • Inaugurate spaces for debate around the ecological fact in different educational institutions: schools, institutes, universities, to link ecological awareness with knowledge traditionally considered “useful” or “profitable”.
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Continue with: Environmental movement


  • “How to increase environmental awareness in society?” at UNHCR.
  • “Ecological awareness. The mirror of a suicidal civilization” by Policarpo Sánchez in Gazeta de Antropología.
  • “What is Ecological Conscience?” at IGI Global.