
We explain what teamwork is, its advantages, disadvantages and keys to making it successful. Also, examples and phrases.

Human beings can accomplish great feats when we agree.

What is teamwork?

Teamwork or cooperative work includes those tasks that are carried out in a shared and organized manner in which everyone assumes a part and everyone has the same goal in common. It is about a form of work organization based on camaraderie since the team must jointly and articulately assume all the tasks to be carried out, and not simply distribute them and then put them together.

Teamwork is one of humanity's oldest modes of work organization, whose greatest potential lies precisely in its ability to organize socially. In fact, the presence of language in our species supports that point: we are gregarious animals and we can accomplish great feats when we agree.

On the other hand, teamwork generally requires a common set of rules or, at least, a behavioral agreement that allows reducing the frictions and tensions inherent to coexistence and the confrontation of different points of view. Seen this way, the experience of being part of a team can be seen as a test of the participation that one has in society as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork

Teamwork presents considerable advantages for its members, such as:

  • Greater work capacity thanks to the synergy of the group members.
  • Higher speed completion of the work, due to the above.
  • Greater capacity for information exchange and shared experiences.
  • Greater diversity in addressing the problem which translates into richness of perspectives.
  • Strengthening links of cooperation, cohesion and collective spirit.
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Similarly, teamwork can present the following disadvantages:

  • Possible tensions around leadership or the work mechanism.
  • Risk of dispersing energy of the group in small unconnected activities.
  • Process delay in the face of excessive debate.
  • Responsibility can be diluted in the collective.
  • Defections or work reluctantly, when there are unresolved tensions.

Importance of teamwork

Teamwork is fundamental in a wide number of human experiences, and in many others it is simply inevitable. Work teams are usually a versatile and high-impact tool in problem solving nurturing diversity and synergy.

On the one hand, it provides its members with the satisfying experience of solving a problem together. On the other hand, big problems are usually simpler to solve when you can delegate tasks and integrate a team, instead of facing them alone. Furthermore, no one knows how to do everything, and needing others is a central part of social experience.

Keys to teamwork

A quick guide to successful teamwork will necessarily include the following recommendations:

  • There must be leadership Building a team does not mean that hierarchies are not necessary, although these must be mutually agreed upon and must have the approval of the team. Experience, personality, formal education are possible and viable criteria for choosing the leader and leaders.
  • Clear and formal rules are needed Every group has its agreements, and those agreements must be fulfilled. How to choose leaders? How to choose new leaders? What task corresponds to each one? All of this must be agreed upon and established so that group members know what is expected of them.
  • Communication is essential As in most social relationships, you should avoid assuming the other's thoughts and instead provide as much useful information to the team as possible. In this way, it is more likely that everyone will evaluate their different problems from a similar point of view.
  • Successes are celebrated together Which means that group spirit must prevail, understanding each achievement as an achievement of the team, and reinforcing the idea that working together is more and better than working separately.
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Examples of teamwork

teamwork examples sport
A sports team organizes individuals as versatile pieces.

There are examples of teamwork in nature: the perfect order of the bees that build and maintain the honeycomb each one dedicated to a specific task, or that of worker ants who fight together against any invader.

However, a perfect example of teamwork can be found in sports practice which is why sport is used so much as a metaphor for the understanding and coordination of groups.

A football, baseball or whatever team consists of a finite number of individuals who play the same sport, but in different positions: some focused on attack, others on defense, others as versatile pieces… all at the same time. time on the court, according to the pre-established coordination to, together, win the game.

Phrases about teamwork

Some famous phrases about teamwork are:

  • “Coming together is a start. Staying together is progress. Working together, a success” – Henry Ford.
  • “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” – Michael Jordan.
  • “A civilization can only endure if many contribute their collaboration to the effort. If everyone prefers to enjoy the fruit, civilization collapses” – José Ortega y Gasset.
  • “Team spirit is what gives many companies the advantage over their competitors” – George Clements.

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  • “Teamwork” on Wikipedia.
  • “What is teamwork?” in FUDE.
  • “Why is it important to work as a team?” in Management. Management and employment (Peru).
  • “The importance of teamwork” in Universia Argentina.
  • “10 keys to teamwork” in Entrepreneur.