
We explain what agriculture is and what the purposes of this human activity are. Also, the types of agriculture that are carried out.

Agriculture is an economic activity that is within the primary sector.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is human activity tending to combine different procedures and knowledge in the treatment of land with the aim of producing foods of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, among others.

Agriculture is a economic activity that is within the primary sector and it includes all those acts carried out by man, aimed at modifying the environment that surrounds it, to make it more suitable and thus generate greater productivity of the soil, and obtain food both for direct consumption or for subsequent treatment. industrial generating added value.

Agriculture itself It had its first boom in the Stone Age, in the Neolithic period although its beginnings go back to prehistory, developed independently by several cultures. The men who until then, in a nomadic way, relied on an economy based simply on hunting, fishing and gathering, began to work the land, giving birth to agriculture and obtaining their first crops such as wheat and barley, and incorporating livestock as another fundamental activity for the sustenance of life in society.

The adoption of agriculture meant structural changes within the societies that incorporated it, since The greater availability of food allowed population growth and made possible the development of a sedentary life, becoming increasingly complex societies, with a greater division of labor, new norms of coexistence, and with greater development of artisanal and commercial activities.

Agriculture carried out in an indiscriminate and irresponsible manner can have a very serious impact on the environment. In recent decades, A worrying growth has been noted in intensive production at an industrial level and in the use of different chemicals and fertilizers that alter the natural growth processes in foods and their impact on the health of consumers.

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See also: Exploitation of natural resources

Types of agriculture

Industrial agriculture consists of the production of large volumes of food.

The different classes of agriculture can be classified taking into account different analysis criteria:

Due to production volumes:

  • Subsistence agriculture Its objective is to obtain a low level of production, with the sole purpose of feeding a stable and small community of people, therefore it does not cause great wear and tear on the soil.
  • Industrial Agriculture. It consists of the production of large volumes of food from the soil, typical of industrialized and developing countries. This practice aims not simply to guarantee the satisfaction of the community's needs but also to market the surplus, as occurs with agricultural food exports abroad.

Due to the importance of water in production:

  • Irrigated In this type of agriculture, an irrigation system provided by the farmer, using natural or artificial methods, is essential.
  • From Secano The moisture necessary for production is supplied by rain and the soil, without intervention by the farmer.

According to the means of production used and their performance:

  • Extensive Agriculture. The objective taken into account is not so much the economic return but the care of the soil, since large areas of land are used but low levels of production are obtained.
  • Intensive Agriculture. Mass production is sought in a reduced space of land, being harmful to the environment. It is generally used in industrialized countries.

According to the technique used and its objective:

  • Industrial Agriculture This form of production aims to obtain enormous quantities of food, with its commercialization in mind.
  • Organic Agriculture This form of agriculture has as its priority the non-alteration of the environment and the care of the soil, using appropriate methods and technologies.
  • Traditional Agriculture It is characterized by using techniques and procedures native to a specific region, extending over time and forming part of the culture of the place.
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